Dalam sebuah hadis menceritakan, setengah daripada kegemaran Rasulullah S.A.W. ialah suka bergurau senda dengan kaum keluarganya dengan gurauan yang sopan dan memberi faedah.
Pada suatu hari ketika Rasulullah S.A.W. sedang bercakap dengan anaknya Siti Fatimah mengenai kenikmatan syurga dan orang-orang yang akan dikurniakan tinggal di dalam syurga, maka baginda pun bersabda, "Ayuhai anakandaku, ada seorang perempuan kebanyakan yang akan masuk syurga lebih dahulu daripada anakanda."
Mendengar kata-kata ayahandanya itu, maka berubahlah air mukanya lantas dia pun menangis dan berkata, "Siapakah perempuan itu ayahanda? Macam mana halnya dan bagaimana pula amalannya sehingga dia dapat lebih dahulu ke dalam syurga daripada anakanda? Ayahanda khabarkanlah di mana dia sekarang?"
Lalu Rasulullah S.A.W. berkata, "Dia adalah seorang wanita yang miskin, tinggal di Jabal Uhud, kira-kira 3 batu dari Madinah."
Tanpa membuang masa, Siti Fatimah pun keluar pergi mencari perempuan yang dikatakan akan masuk syurga lebih dahulu daripadanya.
Setelah dia sampai ke rumah orang itu, dia pun mengetuk pintunya. Kemudian perempuan itu pun keluar sambil bertanyakan hajat kedatangannya tanpa menjemput Siti Fatimah masuk ke dalam rumahnya.
Siti Fatimah berkata, "Saya datang ke mari kerana hendak berjumpa dan berkenalan dengan awak."
Perempuan itu menjawab, "Terima kasih cik, tetapi saya tidak dapat membenarkan cik masuk kerana suami saya tidak ada di rumah. Nanti saya minta izin apabila dia balik nanti, silalah datang pada esok hari."
Dengan perasaan sedih dan dukacita, Siti Fatimah pulang dengan perasaan hampa kerana tidak dapat masuk dan bercakap panjang dengan perempuan itu.
Besoknya, Siti Fatimah datang lagi dengan membawa anaknya yang bernama Hasan. Sebaik sahaja sampai di rumah wanita itu dan setelah pintu dibuka dan hendak dipersilakan masuk, tiba-tiba dia melihat ada budak bersama-sama Siti Fatimah, lalu dia berkata, "Ini siapa?" tanyanya kepada Siti Fatimah.
"Ini anak saya, Hasan." Sahut Siti Fatimah. Perempuan itu pin berkata, "Saya dukacita cik kerana saya belum minta keizinan masuk dari suami saya."
Siti Fatimah menjadi serba salah. Hendak balik jauh, hendak ditinggalkan anaknya di luar, nanti dia menangis. Hendak dibawa masuk belum mendapat keizinan. Akhirnya dia pun balik.
Keesokan harinya, dia datang lagi dengan membawa kedua-dua anaknya iaitu Hasan dan Husin. Setibanya mereka di perkarangan rumah perempuan itu, mereka segera disambut olehnya, tetapi dia terkejut apabila memandang ada budak lain pula yang belum diminta izin dari suaminya.
Beliau pun berkata, "Cik dukacita kerana budak yang satu ini belum saya minta izin, harap maaf cik." Mendengarkan kata-kata itu, Siti Fatimah tersipu-sipu menyahut, "Baiklah. Besok saya datang lagi ke mari."
Dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, hatinya berkata-kata, "Heh, perempuan ini takut sangat akan suaminya, sehingga perkara yang begini pun dia tidak berani melakukannya. Pada hal jika dia benarkan aku masuk, takkanlah suaminya marah. Tak usahlah pandang aku ini siapa, dan dua budak ini cucu siapa, pandanglah kepada tetamu dan orang jauh, sudahlah," bisik hatinya sambil menangis teresak-esak.
Dalam pada itu, sebaik sahaja suaminya pulang, perempuan itu pun memberitahu tentang budak yang satu lagi itu. Suaminya terkejut dan hairan sambil berkata, "Kenapa awak tahan sampai begitu sekali? Bukankah Siti Fatimah itu puteri Rasulullah S.A.W. dan dua orang anaknya itu cucu Rasulullah? Lebih daripada itu pun awak patut benarkan kerana keselamatan kita berdua kelak bergantung pada keredhaannya (Rasulullah S.A.W.). Jangan awak buat seperti itu lagi. Jika mereka datang lagi ke mari dengan membawa apa pun dan siapa pun, terimalah dengan baik, dan awak hormatlah mereka semua sebagaimana yang patut bagi darjat mereka."
Sahut isterinya pula, "Baiklah, tetapi ampunkanlah kesalahan saya kerana saya mengerti bahawa keselamatn diri saya ini bergantung pada keredhaan awak, suami saya. Oleh itu, saya tidak berani membuat perkara yang akan membawa kemarahan atau menyakiti hati awak."
"Terima kasih," sahut suaminya, "tapi takkanlah pula sampai awak tidak menerima tetamu perempuan melainkan dengan setahu saya, kerana menghormatkan tetamu perempuan itu wajib pada adapt dan agama."
Pada hari seterusnya, Siti Fatimah datang lagi dengan membawakedua orang puteranya itu. Setelah diterimadan dihormatkan mengikut adapt kampong dengan dijamu sedikit buah kurma dan air, mereka pun memulakan perbualan.
Dalam pada itu, perempuan itu berjalan kea rah muka pintu rumahnya sambil memandang ke arah jalan seolah-olah sedang menantikan kedatangan seseorang dengan tidak begitu mempedulikan Siti Fatimah. Sambil itu, Siti Fatimah terlihat di tangannya terdapat sebatang tongkat dan sebuah bekas berisi air, manakala tangan sebelah lagi mengangkat hujung kainnya sehingga ke atas sehingga menampakkan betis dan sedikit pehanya dan mukanya manis dengan senyuman.
Melihatkan keadaan perempuan itu, Siti Fatimah berasa resah kerana dia anak-beranak langsung tidak dipedulikan. Lantas dia pun bertanya, "Kenapa jadi begini?" Sahut perempuan itu, "Cik, harap maafkan saya kerana saya sedang menantikan suami saya yang akan pulang ke rumah."
"Buat apa dengan bekas air itu?" tanya Siti Fatimah.
Jawabnya, "Kiranya suami saya dahaga pada ketika dia balik, saya akan segera menghulurkan air ini kepadanya supaya tidak terlambat. Jika terlambat nanti dia akan marah."
Kemudian Siti Fatimah bertanya lagi, "Buat apa pula tongkat itu?"
"Jika suami saya marah, mudahlah dia memukuli saya dengan tongkat ini," jawab perempuan itu.
Kemudian Siti Fatimah bertanya lagi, "Kenapa pula awak selak kain awak sehingga nampak aurat? Bukankah itu haram?"
Maka perempuan itu menjawab, "Jika dia berkehendakkan saya, lalu dia pandang saya begini tentulah menambahkan syahwat dan nafsunya yang memudahkan kepada maksudnya."
Sebaik sahaja habis perempuan itu bercakap, Siti Fatimah termenung dengan hairan, lalu berkata kepada dirinya sendiri, "Jika begini kelakuan dan perangainya terhadap suaminya, tidaklah dapat aku mengikutnya. Patutlah dia masuk syurga lebih dahulu daripada aku serta wanita-wanita lain. Ternyata benarlah bahawa keselamatan seorang perempuan yang bersuami itu bergantung kepada ketaatan kepada suami dan keredhaan suami terhadapnya."
Sambil teresak-esak menagis dan enitiskan air matanya, kemudian Siti Fatimah minta diri dan pulang dengan segera dan terus mengadap ayahandanya, Rasulullah S.A.W.
Sebaik sahaja dia mengadap ayahandanya, dia pun berkata, "Anakanda berasa sangat sedih dan lemah segala sendi anakanda kerana tidak dapat meniru dan melakukan sebagaimana perangai dan amalan perempuan yang ayahanda ceritakan itu."
Sebaik sahaja Rasulullah S.A.W. mendengar rintihan anakandanya itu, lalu baginda tersenyum lantas bersabda, "Anakanda, janganlah susah hati, perempuan yang anakanda jumpa itu ialah perempuan yang akan memimpin dan memegang tali ras kendali tunggangan anakanda tatkala masuk ke syurga. Jadi dialah yang masuk lebih dahulu." Setelah mendengar penjelasan itu, barulah siti Fatimah tersenyum ketawa.
"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place."
Rabu, 26 November 2008
Wanita Menangis
Suatu ketika, ada seorang anak lelaki yang bertanya kepada ibunya.
"Ibu, mengapa ibu menangis?"
Ibunya menjawab, "Sebab ibu wanita."
Dia tidak mengerti, kata si anak lagi.
Ibunya hanya tersenyum dan memeluknya erat.
"Nak, kamu memang tidak akan mengerti..."
Kemudian, anak itu bertanya kepada ayahnya.
"Ayah, mengapa ibu menangis?"
Sang ayah menjawab, "Semua wanita memang menangis tanpa ada alasan."
Hanya itu jawapan yang dapat diberikan oleh ayahnya.
Lama kemudian, si anak itu menjadi remaja dan tetap bertanya-tanya, mengapa wanita menangis. Pada suatu malam, ia bermimpi dan mendapat petunjuk daripada Allah mengapa wanita mudah sekali menangis.
Saat Allah menciptakan wanita, Dia membuat menjadi sangat penting.
Allah ciptakan bahunya, agar mampu menahan seluruh beban dunia dan isinya. Walaupun, bahu itu cukup nyaman dan lembut untuk menahan kepala bayi yang sedang tidur.
Allah berikan wanita kekuatan untuk melahirkan zuriat dari rahimnya. Dan sering kali pula menerima cerca daripada anaknya sendiri.
Allah berikan ketabahan yang membuatnya tetap bertahan, pantang menyerah di saat semua orang berputus asa.
Wanita, Allah berikan kesabaran, untuk merawat keluarganya walau letih, sakit, lelah dan tanpa berkeluh-kesah.
Allah berikan wanita, perasaan peka dan kasih sayang untuk mencintai semua anaknya, dalam situasi apa pun. Biarpun anak-anaknya kerap melukai perasaan dan hatinya.
Perasaan ini memberikan kehangatan kepada anak-anaknya yang ingin tidur. Sentuhan lembutnya memberi keselesaan dan ketenangan.
Dia berikan wanita kekuatan untuk membimbing suaminya, melalui masa kegentiran dan menjadi pelindung baginya. Bukankah tulang rusuk suami yang melindungi setiap hati dan jantung wanita?
Allah kurniakan kepadanya kebijaksanaan untuk membolehkan wanita menilai tentang peranan kepada suaminya.Seringkali pula kebijaksanaan itu menguji kesetiaan yang diberikan kepada suami agar tetap saling melengkapi dan menyayangi.
Dan akhirnya, Allah berikannya airmata agar dapat mencurahkan perasaannya. Inilah yang khusus Allah berikan kepada wanita, agar dapat digunakan di mana ia inginkan.
Hanya inilah kelemahan yang dimiliki wanita, walaupun sebenarnya, airmata!
Ini airmata kehidupan.
Wallahu A'lam...
"Ibu, mengapa ibu menangis?"
Ibunya menjawab, "Sebab ibu wanita."
Dia tidak mengerti, kata si anak lagi.
Ibunya hanya tersenyum dan memeluknya erat.
"Nak, kamu memang tidak akan mengerti..."
Kemudian, anak itu bertanya kepada ayahnya.
"Ayah, mengapa ibu menangis?"
Sang ayah menjawab, "Semua wanita memang menangis tanpa ada alasan."
Hanya itu jawapan yang dapat diberikan oleh ayahnya.
Lama kemudian, si anak itu menjadi remaja dan tetap bertanya-tanya, mengapa wanita menangis. Pada suatu malam, ia bermimpi dan mendapat petunjuk daripada Allah mengapa wanita mudah sekali menangis.
Saat Allah menciptakan wanita, Dia membuat menjadi sangat penting.
Allah ciptakan bahunya, agar mampu menahan seluruh beban dunia dan isinya. Walaupun, bahu itu cukup nyaman dan lembut untuk menahan kepala bayi yang sedang tidur.
Allah berikan wanita kekuatan untuk melahirkan zuriat dari rahimnya. Dan sering kali pula menerima cerca daripada anaknya sendiri.
Allah berikan ketabahan yang membuatnya tetap bertahan, pantang menyerah di saat semua orang berputus asa.
Wanita, Allah berikan kesabaran, untuk merawat keluarganya walau letih, sakit, lelah dan tanpa berkeluh-kesah.
Allah berikan wanita, perasaan peka dan kasih sayang untuk mencintai semua anaknya, dalam situasi apa pun. Biarpun anak-anaknya kerap melukai perasaan dan hatinya.
Perasaan ini memberikan kehangatan kepada anak-anaknya yang ingin tidur. Sentuhan lembutnya memberi keselesaan dan ketenangan.
Dia berikan wanita kekuatan untuk membimbing suaminya, melalui masa kegentiran dan menjadi pelindung baginya. Bukankah tulang rusuk suami yang melindungi setiap hati dan jantung wanita?
Allah kurniakan kepadanya kebijaksanaan untuk membolehkan wanita menilai tentang peranan kepada suaminya.Seringkali pula kebijaksanaan itu menguji kesetiaan yang diberikan kepada suami agar tetap saling melengkapi dan menyayangi.
Dan akhirnya, Allah berikannya airmata agar dapat mencurahkan perasaannya. Inilah yang khusus Allah berikan kepada wanita, agar dapat digunakan di mana ia inginkan.
Hanya inilah kelemahan yang dimiliki wanita, walaupun sebenarnya, airmata!
Ini airmata kehidupan.
Wallahu A'lam...
Selasa, 25 November 2008
my story on Rakan Muda IPT Anda Pilih "Bahagia @ Sengsara"
This is the 1st day of BBD, we woke a little bit late. Hehe…. That morning, we finished things to be done for the registration that afternoon. Suddenly, we were told that we could not use the main hall for our activity because some clash with a tournament. Not enough with that, we were asked to move to new secretariats room. We started to feel uncomfortable with the management there. After Zohor, we all got ready to welcome the participants from Setiu.
They are really different with what have been told by the management. They are not so bad. They look sincere and still childish. Respect to us the facilitators. We were very surprised to hear salam from them. I was the one feel ashamed suddenly. Supposedly, we start the salam first. They did not rebel when we did the custom, seized and saved their stuffs after registration. The custom was to make sure that they did not bring cigarettes, jewelleries, handphones, moneys and dangerous things. After Asar, they were briefed about activity that night. Then, they had dinner. After that, they back to their room to refresh themselves. At 7 p.m., they performed Maghrib and Isyak jamaah. They have Majlis Ucapan Aluan from Hajah Rokiah. I was not there because I was busy preparing the things for Ice-Breaking after that. At 10 p.m., the Ice-Breaking started. They needed to do find their groups, their facilitators and did activities in group. We finished the activities very late. The secretariats did pull their faces already.
After supper, we had post-mortem. Ape lagi….kene bamboo laaa….hampeh tul la urusetia. They complaint the way we run the programme. All we did is just listened to them at that night. Some were right, but more were not right actually. They should not condemned us and laughed at us. Is that a good behavior??? Laugh to other people who are still learning??But, it’s OK. First day…be patient! We did sentry that night. My team was the second one. We rounded the blocks and sit at musolla until 4.15 a.m. Effa felt asleep while sentry. Me and Nurul still reading the novels. The weather was not so good. The rains fall heavily. We couldn’t get to our room. So, we slept at musolla for a few minutes. When the rain became slowly, we run back to room and woke Che Pah and gang for sentry. She was mamai….hehehe… then, I continue sleep. ZzzZZzzzZZz….

ketibaan peserta

"akak ni x ngaku la dia kakak fasi kite"

-hafiz,aku n maarof-pencarian fasilitator berakhir
The 2nd day BBD, the rains fell heavily. We couldn’t do the outdoor games. After treasure hunt, they were asked to build a high and strong tower. Various shape of tower we could see. The winner got the BBD badges as token. They felt very excited. In the afternoon, they have slot ceramah about Dadah. I was assigned to be in secretariats room. I have kept the room cleans with K. Dila help.
For the Operation Castello, it was cancelled because the rains still heavy outside. We continued with the Life Graph. From this activity, we could hear and detect participants that have problem. Some of them cry when told us about their life. The facilitators should ready with this situation. At night, they listened to an ex-drug abuser from Pusat Serenti Besut. That man told about his life a little bit. He asked the participants to ask questions as many as they could. The participants looked very interested in his story. The session ended at 10.30 p.m.
We continued the post mortem after that. There were a lot of unsatisfactions regarding to the secretariats. We thought that they would do their job as secretariats only, but they were too much when interfering in the facilitating part. They asked us to do like what they said. They seem looked down the participants very much. They actually did not involve with the participants at all. They would show up during meal time and certain time only. We rebelled that night!! Sazwan la yg jd mangsa….we sentry again that night. My teams’ turn would be the last. Hahaha… you know what happened that night??? Scroll down and continue reading…

-pencarian harta karun berakhir!-

-bestnyer abg jun suap-

-discuss nk bina menara-

-antara menara yg dibina-

-penceramah utk slot kisah benar-
On 3rd day BBD, I woke up at 7.10 a.m. and felt very confused!! I supposed to sentry at 4 a.m. I looked around. I saw Effa and Nurul still sleeping. Why there was nobody woke us up to sentry last night??? I woke up and washed face. I went to Nadz room and ask explanation. Huhu… they did not sentry last night rupenye… I run to the musolla and saw the girls were awaiting us. They asked me and Effa a lot of questions. Haha..damn shameful!! Then, Mem came and replace us. The unforgettable moment la that day.
I entered the lecture room and found out that K.Imah was presenting about Rakan Muda. The participants knewa a lot about Rakan Muda. They have joined a lot of Rakan Muda activities before this. At 11 a.m., we departed to Kuala Besut for the next programme, the exhibition and the Community services at the village. The rain did not stop. It is continuos from yesterday. We have some activities there. They really enjoyed their day. They became very close to us minutes after minutes. I was with my team doing gotong-royong in Musolla nearby. Eventhough it was raining without stop, we finished our task well.
We back to KRM about 5.30 p.m. Something funny happened to me, Effa and Nurul. I laughed at Nurul because she back to KRM but she did not have room key. Lili kept the key. We reached to my room and when we tried to find out my room key, I was realized that my key was in another bag and that bag in K. Aida and K. Dila room!!!!! Huhu…so, the it was Nurul’s turn to laugh at me! Hahaha… we couldn’t stop laughing remembering our story..
That night, we were served with the performance by the participants. They were very talented. We did not expect they could do the act so well. We were really impressed that time. Az and Elli were announced as the Best Actor and the Best Actress respectively. My team got number 3. I congratulated them upon their work hard. Congratulations my dear!! For the last night, we decided not to sentry but we needed to wake up earlier to wake them up. Then, we went to bed. We were sorry to all facilitators because the unexpected things happened earlier morning..hehehe…

-timbang bola tinggi2-

-pertandingan makan biskut jagung-

-posing je lebih drpd wat keje-

-group KATAK perform for malam kebudayaan-

-me with my KATAK's gurls.tetibe rama-rama sesat kt situ-
On the last day, I woke up at 5.30 a.m. and went to musolla. We performed the Subuh prayer jamaah. After that, we were allowed to get back to room and prepared for the Physical Training. I returned to room at 6.30 a.m. and get back to call them for PT at 7 a.m. I waited Sazwan’s call before directed them to somewhere else because it was still raining, but there was no information from Sazwan. I called Sazwan and he cancelled the PT because the weather was not so good and there were no enough space for other activity. He asked us to go breakfast at 7.30 a.m. Then, me and Nurul chatted with the girls. They were so funny.
After that, we went to Dewan Makan to have breakfast. We waited for the boys until 8 a.m. but they did not show up. Before that, Nurul already woke Sazwan up, but then we knew he continued his nap! Mem and I decide to go to boys hostel and woke them up. Hahaha…seriously they are still sleeping at that time. Mem managed the participants and me went to the boy facilitators rooms and woke them up. I called Azman to make sure he woke up.
The worst thing happened that morning was the first slot for this morning would start at 8.30 a.m. and at 8.15 a.m., Mem told me she did not know what to do. Huhu…. She told me that the projector is with En. Amir…jeng3….nice thing to hear!! Then, I asked her to wake up MC or she just prepared to be MC. She said she did not mind. I ran to En. Amir’s room to ask for the projector. Thanks God, I met K.Imah on my way to his room. I asked K.Imah to get the projector from En. Amir. Then, I ran to lecture room and set up for that slot. K.Imah came and gave me the projector and Sidi came brought his laptop. Effa came at last to be the MC. When everything is ready, I called the presenter to enter the lecture room. I realized the drink for the presenter is not served yet. I asked Nurul to get it from the secretariats room. At last…we did our job very well. Who might think that actually most of the facilitators have not taken their bath yet. The ‘kelam-kabut’ situation has been solved with the cooperation, toleration and willingness to help among of us. Thanks to all.
For the closing ceremony, I did not attend because I was called by the secretariats to group the UMP stuffs at one side and JBSNT stuffs at one side. Then, it was the peak of our patience to JBSNT and secretariats behavior. They denied our rights from having stuffs and apparatus of the programme. I was told that the stuffs are ours not theirs. They unsatisfied with us. They seized a box of A4 paper from us in front of us without discussing with us! How immature them in handling this thing… Our problem did not finish. We lost a walkie-talkie. We looked for it all around KRM and bus. We did ask the participants if they mistook. You know who and where it is found?? En. Amir found it under the sofa in lecture room. It was very impossible the walkie-talkie was there!! You think sendiri la…..after that, we left the KRM Besut without saying goodbye to the secretariats. Some of them did not show up in front of us. I reached home at 8 p.m. that night and fell asleep very soon.

-maaruf,me n KATAK-

-plus zaim,man,n wan-KATAK mmg disygi..hehehe..
The Program Rakan Muda IPT: Anda Pilih Bahagia Atau Sengsara is the best programme I have ever joined. Why? Because I worked with different peoples and facilitate the youths. I was very happy to know the SRM team and others. They are nice actually if we treat them nicely. We could be very close at there. I love you guys. Sazwan, thanks for giving me chances to be a part of this team…. You are really a naughty,nice brother of mine!!

-my brother Sazwan bin Sahar-
They are really different with what have been told by the management. They are not so bad. They look sincere and still childish. Respect to us the facilitators. We were very surprised to hear salam from them. I was the one feel ashamed suddenly. Supposedly, we start the salam first. They did not rebel when we did the custom, seized and saved their stuffs after registration. The custom was to make sure that they did not bring cigarettes, jewelleries, handphones, moneys and dangerous things. After Asar, they were briefed about activity that night. Then, they had dinner. After that, they back to their room to refresh themselves. At 7 p.m., they performed Maghrib and Isyak jamaah. They have Majlis Ucapan Aluan from Hajah Rokiah. I was not there because I was busy preparing the things for Ice-Breaking after that. At 10 p.m., the Ice-Breaking started. They needed to do find their groups, their facilitators and did activities in group. We finished the activities very late. The secretariats did pull their faces already.
After supper, we had post-mortem. Ape lagi….kene bamboo laaa….hampeh tul la urusetia. They complaint the way we run the programme. All we did is just listened to them at that night. Some were right, but more were not right actually. They should not condemned us and laughed at us. Is that a good behavior??? Laugh to other people who are still learning??But, it’s OK. First day…be patient! We did sentry that night. My team was the second one. We rounded the blocks and sit at musolla until 4.15 a.m. Effa felt asleep while sentry. Me and Nurul still reading the novels. The weather was not so good. The rains fall heavily. We couldn’t get to our room. So, we slept at musolla for a few minutes. When the rain became slowly, we run back to room and woke Che Pah and gang for sentry. She was mamai….hehehe… then, I continue sleep. ZzzZZzzzZZz….
ketibaan peserta
"akak ni x ngaku la dia kakak fasi kite"
-hafiz,aku n maarof-pencarian fasilitator berakhir
The 2nd day BBD, the rains fell heavily. We couldn’t do the outdoor games. After treasure hunt, they were asked to build a high and strong tower. Various shape of tower we could see. The winner got the BBD badges as token. They felt very excited. In the afternoon, they have slot ceramah about Dadah. I was assigned to be in secretariats room. I have kept the room cleans with K. Dila help.
For the Operation Castello, it was cancelled because the rains still heavy outside. We continued with the Life Graph. From this activity, we could hear and detect participants that have problem. Some of them cry when told us about their life. The facilitators should ready with this situation. At night, they listened to an ex-drug abuser from Pusat Serenti Besut. That man told about his life a little bit. He asked the participants to ask questions as many as they could. The participants looked very interested in his story. The session ended at 10.30 p.m.
We continued the post mortem after that. There were a lot of unsatisfactions regarding to the secretariats. We thought that they would do their job as secretariats only, but they were too much when interfering in the facilitating part. They asked us to do like what they said. They seem looked down the participants very much. They actually did not involve with the participants at all. They would show up during meal time and certain time only. We rebelled that night!! Sazwan la yg jd mangsa….we sentry again that night. My teams’ turn would be the last. Hahaha… you know what happened that night??? Scroll down and continue reading…
-pencarian harta karun berakhir!-
-bestnyer abg jun suap-
-discuss nk bina menara-
-antara menara yg dibina-
-penceramah utk slot kisah benar-
On 3rd day BBD, I woke up at 7.10 a.m. and felt very confused!! I supposed to sentry at 4 a.m. I looked around. I saw Effa and Nurul still sleeping. Why there was nobody woke us up to sentry last night??? I woke up and washed face. I went to Nadz room and ask explanation. Huhu… they did not sentry last night rupenye… I run to the musolla and saw the girls were awaiting us. They asked me and Effa a lot of questions. Haha..damn shameful!! Then, Mem came and replace us. The unforgettable moment la that day.
I entered the lecture room and found out that K.Imah was presenting about Rakan Muda. The participants knewa a lot about Rakan Muda. They have joined a lot of Rakan Muda activities before this. At 11 a.m., we departed to Kuala Besut for the next programme, the exhibition and the Community services at the village. The rain did not stop. It is continuos from yesterday. We have some activities there. They really enjoyed their day. They became very close to us minutes after minutes. I was with my team doing gotong-royong in Musolla nearby. Eventhough it was raining without stop, we finished our task well.
We back to KRM about 5.30 p.m. Something funny happened to me, Effa and Nurul. I laughed at Nurul because she back to KRM but she did not have room key. Lili kept the key. We reached to my room and when we tried to find out my room key, I was realized that my key was in another bag and that bag in K. Aida and K. Dila room!!!!! Huhu…so, the it was Nurul’s turn to laugh at me! Hahaha… we couldn’t stop laughing remembering our story..
That night, we were served with the performance by the participants. They were very talented. We did not expect they could do the act so well. We were really impressed that time. Az and Elli were announced as the Best Actor and the Best Actress respectively. My team got number 3. I congratulated them upon their work hard. Congratulations my dear!! For the last night, we decided not to sentry but we needed to wake up earlier to wake them up. Then, we went to bed. We were sorry to all facilitators because the unexpected things happened earlier morning..hehehe…
-timbang bola tinggi2-
-pertandingan makan biskut jagung-
-posing je lebih drpd wat keje-
-group KATAK perform for malam kebudayaan-
-me with my KATAK's gurls.tetibe rama-rama sesat kt situ-
On the last day, I woke up at 5.30 a.m. and went to musolla. We performed the Subuh prayer jamaah. After that, we were allowed to get back to room and prepared for the Physical Training. I returned to room at 6.30 a.m. and get back to call them for PT at 7 a.m. I waited Sazwan’s call before directed them to somewhere else because it was still raining, but there was no information from Sazwan. I called Sazwan and he cancelled the PT because the weather was not so good and there were no enough space for other activity. He asked us to go breakfast at 7.30 a.m. Then, me and Nurul chatted with the girls. They were so funny.
After that, we went to Dewan Makan to have breakfast. We waited for the boys until 8 a.m. but they did not show up. Before that, Nurul already woke Sazwan up, but then we knew he continued his nap! Mem and I decide to go to boys hostel and woke them up. Hahaha…seriously they are still sleeping at that time. Mem managed the participants and me went to the boy facilitators rooms and woke them up. I called Azman to make sure he woke up.
The worst thing happened that morning was the first slot for this morning would start at 8.30 a.m. and at 8.15 a.m., Mem told me she did not know what to do. Huhu…. She told me that the projector is with En. Amir…jeng3….nice thing to hear!! Then, I asked her to wake up MC or she just prepared to be MC. She said she did not mind. I ran to En. Amir’s room to ask for the projector. Thanks God, I met K.Imah on my way to his room. I asked K.Imah to get the projector from En. Amir. Then, I ran to lecture room and set up for that slot. K.Imah came and gave me the projector and Sidi came brought his laptop. Effa came at last to be the MC. When everything is ready, I called the presenter to enter the lecture room. I realized the drink for the presenter is not served yet. I asked Nurul to get it from the secretariats room. At last…we did our job very well. Who might think that actually most of the facilitators have not taken their bath yet. The ‘kelam-kabut’ situation has been solved with the cooperation, toleration and willingness to help among of us. Thanks to all.
For the closing ceremony, I did not attend because I was called by the secretariats to group the UMP stuffs at one side and JBSNT stuffs at one side. Then, it was the peak of our patience to JBSNT and secretariats behavior. They denied our rights from having stuffs and apparatus of the programme. I was told that the stuffs are ours not theirs. They unsatisfied with us. They seized a box of A4 paper from us in front of us without discussing with us! How immature them in handling this thing… Our problem did not finish. We lost a walkie-talkie. We looked for it all around KRM and bus. We did ask the participants if they mistook. You know who and where it is found?? En. Amir found it under the sofa in lecture room. It was very impossible the walkie-talkie was there!! You think sendiri la…..after that, we left the KRM Besut without saying goodbye to the secretariats. Some of them did not show up in front of us. I reached home at 8 p.m. that night and fell asleep very soon.
-maaruf,me n KATAK-

-plus zaim,man,n wan-KATAK mmg disygi..hehehe..
The Program Rakan Muda IPT: Anda Pilih Bahagia Atau Sengsara is the best programme I have ever joined. Why? Because I worked with different peoples and facilitate the youths. I was very happy to know the SRM team and others. They are nice actually if we treat them nicely. We could be very close at there. I love you guys. Sazwan, thanks for giving me chances to be a part of this team…. You are really a naughty,nice brother of mine!!
-my brother Sazwan bin Sahar-
The Days of T.O.T in Program Rakan Muda IPT Anda Pilih "Bahagia @ Sengsara"
lunch at benteng
at kuala berang
This programme is held for 4 days from 18-21 November 2008. We went there 2 days earlier. On Sunday, 16 Nov 2008, we departed at 12 p.m. by BUS UMP. The drivers were Abg Ishak and Abg Affendi. We got our lunch at Benteng, Kuantan. Then we continued our journey to Besut at 1.30 p.m. We stopped for Jama’ Zohor and Asar at Kuala Berang mosque. Its true name I do not know. We did find its name but it’s not stated anywhere at the mosque. We reached at Kompleks Rakan Muda Besut at 7 p.m. The first thing that we did there was to eat dinner that have been prepared. The meal was rice with Ikan Singgang+Budu+Sambal+Sayur Goreng. We were very full that night. Then we checked in to our room. I was one room with Farhana (Effa).
waiting for checking in
briefing from En. Wan Marisa
At 9 p.m., we had a briefing about the programme by En. Wan Marissa, the officer from JBSNT. We introduced ourselves to everybody in the lecture room. Then, I conducted all to check the stuffs that we need during programme. We realized there were so many things that are not enough for the programme eventhough we did give them the list of the things needed about a fortnight ago. We requested the things needed once again and submit it to En. Amir, the head of secretariats tomorrow morning. We just wrapped the presents and hampers that night. I’ve done the checklist of UMP things before we finished. We got to bed at 1 a.m.
preparing for the hampers
On the second day, 17th November 2008, we had T.O.T (training of trainee) all day long. After Subuh, we gathered for physical training. Effa lead us for Poco-Poco. Huarghhh….eventhough I do not like Poco-poco, I did it very well maa…Huhu..I hope UMPians just do this for light training only, not for big activities. Why?? Ask me directly… In the morning, we were briefed about the modules that would be practiced during the real one.
Physical training
Before lunch, we were given the partner for LDK throughout BBD. I was paired with Maarof. Sazwan gave us a big task. He asked us to serve the lunch for our partner and need to know 5 things about him/her. The second task is OK, but the first one….huhu…so tough..How can Sazwan do this to us???!! However we still did the task. But you can see my face that time!! Blushing!! Huhu..seriously…I never did this. Consequences, I cannot talk to Maarof the whole day. I couldn’t eat very well too. Pity him.. he got all informations about me. I just asked him a few question. I was prayed that I would not be the person Sazwan would ask about the partner.. Huhu..but I was wrong. Sazwan asked me!! I told what I know laa…hehe..sorry Maarof. I’m a shy person actually. Hehe..
hidang..jgn x hidang!!
At 2 p.m., we listened to Mr. Amir’s experience about being a good facilitator. Honestly, I did not listen about what he said that afternoon because I was so sleepy and tired. And also, I had a not good impression to him. Sazwan realized that!! Haha.. he miscalled me to awake me. Late that afternoon, we went to Pantai Bukit Kluang. We just snap and snap the pictures, captured the memories in the DSLR and phone memory. At night, we just have sharing experiences with other members. Sazwan, me and some others who have been facilitators before this, shared something to motivate and welcomed all new facilitators. Then, we slept.
effa,nurul n me!
Program Rakan Muda IPT: Anda Pilih Bahagia Atau Sengsara
Hmm… Where should I start? Let me begin by introduce you about this programme. Rakan Muda programme is launched in order to involve the youths to the society. Youth will work together with local communities to carry out various activities. This involvement will raise the role of youth in society and bring about overall development to communities. One of the programme is the Program Rakan Muda IPT: Anda Pilih Bahagia Atau Sengsara.
The objectives of this programme is to:-
• To give knowledge about the drug abusing among society today
• To tell the society about the consequences of drug abusing
• To increase the involvement of society in minimizing the drug abusing at any level
• To increase the unity among society by encouraging them to involve in activities
This programme is a done with cooperation with Ministry of Higher Education by IPT students, national agencies as well as private agencies and local NGOs. The IPT students act as volunteers, who will give the service in motivating the youths that joined the programme. They were chosen to be catalysts and pioneering this programme based on their ability in intellectual, communication skills an cooperation with society. The intellectual sharing is expected will increase the awareness of society about drug abusing.
UMP has been chosen to conduct this activity in Besut, Terengganu. 20 students have been given the responsibilities to be facilitators. They are selected by the interview session about 4 months ago. I was invited by the Project Manager to be the logistic committee member for this programme. I did not think twice, then I accepted his request. That time, I did not think about other committee members as long as I do not know them. Its OK as long as I have Sazwan, my little brother.
Actually why I accepted his request erk??? I think it is because he had mentioned before this, most of programme he joined in UMP, I always there. Hehehe….Expoconvo’08, KAFs, K-DIDIK, Program Bubur Lambuk, Journey to Phuket and now BBD. They did the meeting to discuss about the programme while me and Sazwan at Phuket. So, I never know them until the final exam finished! Huhu… sory geng! However, I always helped Sazwan in doing the modules for the faciliatators. Seriously, I think I should learn more to be a good facilitator and preparing the modules. My knowledges are not enough yet. So, I need to join more activities like this. I’m offering myself to be with you in any programme!!Hehe….

the facilitator with the participants
The objectives of this programme is to:-
• To give knowledge about the drug abusing among society today
• To tell the society about the consequences of drug abusing
• To increase the involvement of society in minimizing the drug abusing at any level
• To increase the unity among society by encouraging them to involve in activities
This programme is a done with cooperation with Ministry of Higher Education by IPT students, national agencies as well as private agencies and local NGOs. The IPT students act as volunteers, who will give the service in motivating the youths that joined the programme. They were chosen to be catalysts and pioneering this programme based on their ability in intellectual, communication skills an cooperation with society. The intellectual sharing is expected will increase the awareness of society about drug abusing.
UMP has been chosen to conduct this activity in Besut, Terengganu. 20 students have been given the responsibilities to be facilitators. They are selected by the interview session about 4 months ago. I was invited by the Project Manager to be the logistic committee member for this programme. I did not think twice, then I accepted his request. That time, I did not think about other committee members as long as I do not know them. Its OK as long as I have Sazwan, my little brother.
Actually why I accepted his request erk??? I think it is because he had mentioned before this, most of programme he joined in UMP, I always there. Hehehe….Expoconvo’08, KAFs, K-DIDIK, Program Bubur Lambuk, Journey to Phuket and now BBD. They did the meeting to discuss about the programme while me and Sazwan at Phuket. So, I never know them until the final exam finished! Huhu… sory geng! However, I always helped Sazwan in doing the modules for the faciliatators. Seriously, I think I should learn more to be a good facilitator and preparing the modules. My knowledges are not enough yet. So, I need to join more activities like this. I’m offering myself to be with you in any programme!!Hehe….
the facilitator with the participants
Ahad, 23 November 2008
Alamak!!!Kene Tag oleh adikku....
tagged by: Fatin Nurasyikin
Who is no.2 having relationship with?
>is there no.2??
Is no.3 a female or a male?
If no.7 and no.10 be together, would it be a good thing?
>no.7 n no.10 x wujud
How about no.5 and 8?
>same la..x wujud
Where is number 1 studying?
When was the last time you have chat with them?
>on 21/11/08
Is number 4 a single?
>dh no.2 xde, no. 4 xde laaaa
Talk something about no. 2?
>x fhm2 lg???XDE!!!!
sape2 rse nk meng'tag' diri sendiri, silakan............
Who is no.2 having relationship with?
>is there no.2??
Is no.3 a female or a male?
If no.7 and no.10 be together, would it be a good thing?
>no.7 n no.10 x wujud
How about no.5 and 8?
>same la..x wujud
Where is number 1 studying?
When was the last time you have chat with them?
>on 21/11/08
Is number 4 a single?
>dh no.2 xde, no. 4 xde laaaa
Talk something about no. 2?
>x fhm2 lg???XDE!!!!
sape2 rse nk meng'tag' diri sendiri, silakan............
Ahad, 16 November 2008
UMPians will be at BESUT for Belia Benci Dadah (BBD) 2008

Today I'll be going to Besut for Belia Benci Dadah (BBD) programme. The programme is scheduled for 4 days. Its objective is to attract youths and teenagers to more healthy activity and avoiding themselves from drugs abusing!
The more fantastic facts about this programme is we are going to be facilitator for youth around 18-22 years old....Haha..we are interested in that because we average are 20-21 years old. The facilitators would be 20 peoples. My brother Sazwan is the Programme Manager. I wish him the best!!
See ya the Besutians!!!!!!
Mandy Moore - Only Hope
[Written by Switchfoot]
There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and over again
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now you're my only hope
Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
And laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope
I give You my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope
There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and over again
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now you're my only hope
Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
And laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope
I give You my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope
Khamis, 13 November 2008
Kecewakah aku??
Hmm...today is the last day of my final exam for this semester. I finished my last paper with tawakkal to Allah..I hope my result for this semester will not be so bad...finished story about my exam.
Today my little bro n sis got their UPSR result...Alhamdulillah...Aizuddin n Fasha got 5A's and Megat got 4A's. others i do not know because they do not contact me. I always pray the best for them..
Late this afternoon, I was called to clear something that play2 around in my heart n mind about these few days..Alhamdulillah...everything has settled!I do not want to comment about that. What I want to share is about my feeling rite now.
After I know the truth, I thought I would cry..but my tears did not come out. I persuaded my heart, this is a test from Allah for me...I remembered that Allah loves me, thats why He gives me this test. He wants to know how though I am in facing this challenge.
...Wa’asa an takrahu syai’an wa hua khoirul lakum, wa’asa an tuhibbu syai’an wa hua sharrul lakum, wallahu ya’lamu wa antum la ta’lamun (2:216)
...though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not. (2:216)
...Barangkali kamu benci akan sesuatu yang berlaku ke atas kamu padahal perkara itu adalah baik bagi kamu, dan barangkali kamu suka akan sesuatu padahal perakara itu sebenarnya buruk bagi kamu. Allah jua la yang mengetahui semuanya yang kamu x ketahui. (2:216)
This verse give me a lot of strength.yeah...though I hate this thing happen to me, but I have to be positive...this maybe the right thing for me. Only Allah knows what is the best for me. so, redha laaa...There's nothing to be done except praying to Allah to give me strength and always me love forever.
I remembered what my naqibah had said before, when Iman is in the heart, that person will be strong. When he faced a problem, he will back to his Khaliq, Allah Rabbulizzati..Allahuakbar!!How deep is Allah's love...but why do people still wanna find human's love..Allah will always love us eventhough we forgot Him, but mankinds???Human's love always fade with time.. So, why r u hurting urself with human's love.
Dear readers...
The things that happened to me today is very hurtful.It might kill half of my spirit actually. All plans that I had, are gonna be change!Yes..Human planned, Allah also planned, but Allah's plan is the the best planning..We always forget about that. We forget that we never know what will happen next in the episodes of our life.But Allah do know everything about us till deep bottom in our heart.Subhanallah...
...Wahai jiwa yang tenang, kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan keadaan engkau berpuas hati lagi diredhai. serta masuklah dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaKu yang berbahagia. Dan masuklah ke dalam syurgaKu! (90:27-30)
Wahai hatiku...redhalah dengan takdir dari Tuhanmu...Tuhanmu yang memilikimu..Beribadahlah kamu kepadaNya..seolah-olah kamu kan mati esok..
Ya Allah...kuatkn semangatku..walau berat sekali dugaan yang Kau berikan..istiqamah la aku dgn ibadahku.mungkin ade dosa yg jd penghalang...Ampunkan aku atas keterlanjuran perbuatanku di dunia ini..


Nukilan rasa : Zaidatul Akmal;9.32 p.m. KK3,UMP
Mood : Redha dan sabar
Today my little bro n sis got their UPSR result...Alhamdulillah...Aizuddin n Fasha got 5A's and Megat got 4A's. others i do not know because they do not contact me. I always pray the best for them..
Late this afternoon, I was called to clear something that play2 around in my heart n mind about these few days..Alhamdulillah...everything has settled!I do not want to comment about that. What I want to share is about my feeling rite now.
After I know the truth, I thought I would cry..but my tears did not come out. I persuaded my heart, this is a test from Allah for me...I remembered that Allah loves me, thats why He gives me this test. He wants to know how though I am in facing this challenge.
...Wa’asa an takrahu syai’an wa hua khoirul lakum, wa’asa an tuhibbu syai’an wa hua sharrul lakum, wallahu ya’lamu wa antum la ta’lamun (2:216)
...though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not. (2:216)
...Barangkali kamu benci akan sesuatu yang berlaku ke atas kamu padahal perkara itu adalah baik bagi kamu, dan barangkali kamu suka akan sesuatu padahal perakara itu sebenarnya buruk bagi kamu. Allah jua la yang mengetahui semuanya yang kamu x ketahui. (2:216)
This verse give me a lot of strength.yeah...though I hate this thing happen to me, but I have to be positive...this maybe the right thing for me. Only Allah knows what is the best for me. so, redha laaa...There's nothing to be done except praying to Allah to give me strength and always me love forever.
I remembered what my naqibah had said before, when Iman is in the heart, that person will be strong. When he faced a problem, he will back to his Khaliq, Allah Rabbulizzati..Allahuakbar!!How deep is Allah's love...but why do people still wanna find human's love..Allah will always love us eventhough we forgot Him, but mankinds???Human's love always fade with time.. So, why r u hurting urself with human's love.
Dear readers...
The things that happened to me today is very hurtful.It might kill half of my spirit actually. All plans that I had, are gonna be change!Yes..Human planned, Allah also planned, but Allah's plan is the the best planning..We always forget about that. We forget that we never know what will happen next in the episodes of our life.But Allah do know everything about us till deep bottom in our heart.Subhanallah...
...Wahai jiwa yang tenang, kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan keadaan engkau berpuas hati lagi diredhai. serta masuklah dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaKu yang berbahagia. Dan masuklah ke dalam syurgaKu! (90:27-30)
Wahai hatiku...redhalah dengan takdir dari Tuhanmu...Tuhanmu yang memilikimu..Beribadahlah kamu kepadaNya..seolah-olah kamu kan mati esok..
Ya Allah...kuatkn semangatku..walau berat sekali dugaan yang Kau berikan..istiqamah la aku dgn ibadahku.mungkin ade dosa yg jd penghalang...Ampunkan aku atas keterlanjuran perbuatanku di dunia ini..


Nukilan rasa : Zaidatul Akmal;9.32 p.m. KK3,UMP
Mood : Redha dan sabar
Selasa, 11 November 2008
TaKde Keje Cari Kerja!!
Salam n nyte sume readers..
Tonite me n my frens feel so bored.tomorrow we will have 4th paper for final exam. argghh..when this final will end???Me suddenly feel wanna to remove clogs on my nose. Then I went to toilet and cleaned my face.Then put the Biore Cleansing Strips Pore Pack Black on my nose. After 20 minutes, I pulled it off...Hahaha...long tyme not to do it..
Suddenly fani said she wanted to do facial...lalalala~..all of us joined her. We put the Mustika Ratu Masker Bengkoang on our faces like ghost!!!so whity!!!hehehehe....lebih kurang mcm minah salleh kt bwh ni

All of us cannot say a word because the skin is so firm..even cannot smile!!lalala~
I dunno how much time I have to wait to clean the mask.its already about 15 minutes..K laa...wanna continue my study for CRE1 tomorrow.bye2...
c u in another posting!!!
Tonite me n my frens feel so bored.tomorrow we will have 4th paper for final exam. argghh..when this final will end???Me suddenly feel wanna to remove clogs on my nose. Then I went to toilet and cleaned my face.Then put the Biore Cleansing Strips Pore Pack Black on my nose. After 20 minutes, I pulled it off...Hahaha...long tyme not to do it..
Suddenly fani said she wanted to do facial...lalalala~..all of us joined her. We put the Mustika Ratu Masker Bengkoang on our faces like ghost!!!so whity!!!hehehehe....lebih kurang mcm minah salleh kt bwh ni

All of us cannot say a word because the skin is so firm..even cannot smile!!lalala~
I dunno how much time I have to wait to clean the mask.its already about 15 minutes..K laa...wanna continue my study for CRE1 tomorrow.bye2...
c u in another posting!!!
Bertunang: Antara Adat dan Syarak

Taken from: www.iLuvislam.com
oleh: Ustaz Muhammad Rashidi Bin Haji Wahab*
Ulama dari mazhab Maliki (Hatab):
Pertunangan adalah satu ungkapan untuk menyeru kepada pernikahan dan apa-apa yang berlaku dari perbualan.
Ulama dari mazhab Shafie (Umairah):
Pertunangan adalah menyentuh (mengemukakan) pernikahan daripada orang yang diambil kira dengannya.
Daripada takrif pertunangan di atas dapatlah kita ketahui bahawa pertunangan ini adalah semata-mata satu perjanjian di antara dua pihak (pihak lelaki dan pihak perempuan) untuk melangsungkan perkahwinan. Pertunangan bukanlah satu akad seperti pernikahan dan memutuskan pertunangan dengan sebab-sebab tertentu bukanlah suatu kesalahan.
Terbahagi kepada lima cara:
- Lelaki memberitahu hajatnya untuk meminang kepada seorang perempuan secara langsung.
- Lelaki memberitahu hajatnya untuk meminang kepada wali perempuan.
- Menggunakan pihak ketiga untuk meminang.
- Wali menawarkan anak perempuannya kepada seorang lelaki soleh.
- Perempuan menawarkan dirinya sendiri kepada seorang lelaki soleh.
Sekiranya kedua-dua pihak telah bersetuju dan menerima (menggunakan salah satu cara di atas) maka ini adalah sudah dikira bertunang di sisi syarak.
Kebiasaannya pihak lelaki akan memberikan barang-barang hantaran ke rumah pihak perempuan pada majlis pertunangan yang telah ditetapkan. Kemudian perempuan akan disarungkan cincin di jari manisnya sebagai tanda sudah bertunang. Maka pihak perempuan akan menetapkan dan membincangkan hantaran untuk perkahwinan berdasarkan status seseorang perempuan itu. Dan diakhiri dengan bacaan doa dan sedikit jamuan ringan. Majlis pertunangan ini diadakan selepas kedua-dua pihak bersetuju untuk bertunang selepas adat merisik.
Pemberian cincin semasa pertunangan adalah suatu adat yang diamalkan di Malaysia (mungkin diambil dari warisan orang bukan Islam) dan ia bukanlah satu syariat yang telah ditetapkan oleh Islam. Namun ia tidaklah menjadi satu kesalahan sekiranya pemberian cincin itu diberikan sekadar tanda pertunangan selagimana tidak menyalahi syariat. Perlu diketahui bahawa menganggap perbuatan menanggalkan cincin sebagai tanda pertunangan diputuskan maka ia adalah bercanggah dengan Islam.
Tidaklah digalakkan menghebahkan pertunangan sepertimana perkahwinan. Pada pendapat saya bahawa hebahan pertunangan sekadar perlu adalah terletak di atas budi bicara keluarga masing-masing. Adapun hebahan tentang perkahwinan adalah digalakkan (sunat) oleh Islam dan menghadirinya adalah wajib.
Berkaitan dengan pertunangan yang lama - pada pandangan saya ia terletak di atas diri kedua-dua pihak yang bertunang untuk menentukannya. Sekirannya kedua-dua (peminang lelaki dan perempuan) mampu melaluinya dan bersedia dalam tempoh masa pertunangan yang panjang maka tidaklah mengapa. Namun pertunangan yang panjang mungkin membawa sedikit masalah dari pengalaman beberapa orang kenalan saya.
*Ustaz Muhammad Rashidi Bin Haji Wahab atau nama penanya, buluh, merupakan salah seorang moderator forum soal jawab agama iLuvislam.com. Artikel ini disunting berdasarkan soal jawab di forum iLuvislam (kategori Fiqh Munakahat; perkahwinan dan kekeluargaan).
Kahwin Awal:Antara Kemahuan dan Redha

Taken from www.iLuvislam.com
oleh : umar alfateh *
"Pokwe, nak tanye sket...Apa pendapat ko kalau aku kahwin senyap-senyap??"
‘Hmm...sebelum tu, aku nak tanye ko dulu soalan ni. Apa pendapat ko misalkata ko ni seorang ayah, dan tau-tau je, anak ko dah kahwin tanpa pengetahuan ko??..Apa ko buat??'
Sunyi sepi....
"Ala, aku bukan apa, dah setahun dah aku pujuk mak ayah aku nak kahwin, diorang tak bagi, terutama mak aku."
'Hmm...ade ko tanya kenapa mak ko tak bagi?'
"Itulah, aku dah tanya, alasan dia, suruh habis belajar dulu. Lepas tu, baru boleh nak fikir pasal kahwin-kahwin ni.."
‘Aku tak rasa satu tu je sebab yang mak kau tak nak bagi..Ko kena fikir dalam-dalam pandangan seorang ibu ni macamana..'
"Aku tak fahamlah mak ayah zaman sekarang ni, diorang tak faham keadaan kita. Aku takut tak dapat kawal diri je ni, tu yang aku fikir nak teruskan niat aku"..
Serba sedikit dialog yang pernah terjadi suatu ketika dahulu. Konflik tentang perkahwinan, sentiasa membelenggu para pemuda zaman ini. Antara kemahuan diri dan restu keluarga, sentiasa membelenggu pemikiran anak-anak muda, lebih-lebih lagi yang sedang hanyut dibuai cinta.
Mengapa Dihalang?
Inilah antara persoalan utama yang menjadi titik punca. Pandangan seorang ayah, selalunya dalam hal perkahwinan anak-anak mereka sangat ringkas dan tidak banyak kerenah. Kalau ada pun, hanya berkaitan dengan soal calonnya, berkenan atau tidak , dan selalunya apa yang menjadi pilihan si anak, ayah akan bersetuju. Apa yang dirasakan oleh si ayah, adalah mungkin sudah sampai masanya si anak belajar untuk membina keluarga sendiri.
Berbanding si ibu. Ibu , mendengar namanya sudah sayu. Dialah yang membesarkan, dialah yang mengandungkan kita, dialah yang menyusukan kita, dan ada kala, ketika si ibu sedang makan, terdengar sahaja rengekan anak kecil, anak disegerakan jamahan makanan itu, tetapi selalunya akan ditinggalkan terus juadahnya hanya untuk anak tercinta. Seorang ibu, membesarkan anak-anaknya sepenuh kasih sayang yang ada padanya. Sedihnya anak, pilu baginya, gembira si anak, senyuman dibibirnya, bak kata, setiap perilaku si anak, semuanya berbekas di hati seorang ibu.
"Mak kau tak bagi mungkin sebab sayang sangat kat kau kot, tu yang tak nak lepas tu"
Mungkin ada benar dan mungkin perlu diselidik apa yang menyebabkan terhalangnya kita meneruskan hasrat untuk berumah tangga. Seorang ibu, jarang menolak permintaan anaknya. Buruk-buruk anaknya, itulah buah hatinya. Sebut sahaja permintaan dari si anak, nak masak lemak la, nak nasi beriyani la, nak jajan ( makanan ringan ), apa sahaja kalau dihitung pasti kita akan mengakui seorang ibu jarang menolak permintaan anaknya. Tetapi, mengapakah pada permintaan yang satu ini sangat susah baginya untuk dia menyatakan persetujuannya?
Seorang ibu, apabila dia menyatakan ketidak setujuannya, pasti ada sesuatu yang tersimpul di sebalik itu. Seorang ibu, apabila menolak permintaan anaknya untuk mendirikan rumah tangga, dia tahu anaknya belum tiba masa lagi untuk diteruskan hajatnya. Ketika ini, apa yang bermain di fikirannya, apakah anakku ini boleh menjadi ketua keluarga yang bertanggungjawab? Mungkin soalan ini timbul kerana, dia akan membandingkan sikap suaminya (ayah kita) dengan sikap kita. Jika dia tidak bersetuju, pasti ada yang kurang pada diri kita yang menyebabkan kurangnya keyakinan dia untuk bersetuju dengan hasrat kita.
Bagaimana sikap Kita ?
Selepas subuh, tarik selimut kembali. Selepas makan , letak pinggan di dalam sinki sahaja, mengharapkan ada orang tolong basuhkan. Baju-baju kotor dibiarkan sahaja bersepah tanpa ada inisiatif untuk basuh. Jika inilah sikap kita di rumah, bagaimanakah seorang ibu mahu membenarkan anaknya untuk mendirikan rumah tangga jika dirinya tidak ada sifat bertanggungjawab sekurang-kurangnya pada diri sendiri, inikan pula bila sudah berumah tangga...
Sikap yang ada ini perlulah diubah dalam memberikan keyakinan si ibu bahawa anaknya sudah kenal erti tanggungjawab. Balik rumah , dalam seminggu dua, pujuklah hati si ibu dengan kerja-kerja rumah yang dilakukan. Unjurkan apa sahaja kerja-kerja rumah dari ibu, bahawa biar sahaja kita yang buat. Belikan sedikit cendera hati pada ibu, untuk menarik hatinya. Bila balik rumah, salam tangan ibu, cium tangan ibu. Kalau boleh buat lebih lagi, kucup pipi ibu, bisikkan pada telinganya ‘bang cik sayang mama'. Usahakan cara-cara yang boleh menarik hati ibu ataupun ayah. Keras mana hati ibu untuk melepaskan kita, pasti akan lembut jua akhirnya jika kita memujuk dengan kerja-kerja, kata-kata kita, dan yang terpenting bahawa kita takkan melupakan mereka walaupun sudah berkahwin nanti.
Mengapa Mahu Tergesa-gesa?
Leceh. Mungkin itulah antara yang terbit dari mulut kita bila diberikan penyelesaian untuk masalah yang timbul. Tetapi, perlu ditanya semula, mengapa mahu tergesa-gesa? Mungkin dengan kelecehan itulah, tersingkap suatu keberkatan. Perkahwinan bukan hanya kita berkahwin dengan pasangan kita, tetapi kita juga 'berkahwin' dengan keluarganya. Selain itu juga, kita membesarkan keluarga kita. Kalau sebelum ini, kita hanya ada 3 orang adik, selepas berkahwin, ada 10 orang adik, sebelum kahwin , hanya ada seorang ibu dan seorang ayah, tetapi selepas berkahwin, kita ada dua orang ayah dan dua orang ibu. Dengan kata lain, keluarga kita membesar. Dengan membesarnya keluarga ini, benda paling utama kena jaga adalah hati.
Jika dengan kahwin senyap-senyap itu boleh menyelesaikan ‘perasaan' itu, boleh mengelakkan zina, maka itu hanya satu segi. Tetapi mengapakah dalam bab ini, kita membelakangkan keluarga yang selama ini membesarkan kita? Kita sanggup bersama pasangan kita yang hanya dikenali tidak terlalu lama, dan membelakangkan kasih sayang yang selama ini dicurahkan kepada kita sejak kecil?
Kita mudah mendapat syurga, tetapi kita ikut jalan yang tidak membawa ke syurga. Syurga ada pada ibu, tetapi kita tidak cuba mendapat syurga itu. Redha Allah pada redha kedua ibu bapa, maka apakah dengan membelakangkan keluarga dalam hal membina keluarga ini kita akan mendapat redha Allah pada keluarga yang kita mahu bina itu? Perkahwinan bukanlah sehari dua, tetapi kalau boleh sehingga hujung nyawa dan sehingga ke syurga. Jika berkahwinnya dengan tergesa-gesa itu atas alasan kerana tidak mahu terjebak dengan zina atau dengan kata lain, kerana nafsu, maka renunglah kembali. Selama manakah nafsu itu akan bertahan. Apakah sampai mati? Apakah kesabaran dalam berpuasa itu tidak boleh mengatasi nafsu yang mengawal diri, aduh, sungguh lemah dirimu.
Jika perkahwinan itu dibina atas agama, maka agama tidak akan terlepas dari diri kita sehingga ke syurga kelak. Setiap hari seseorang itu perlukan agama. Agamalah yang membimbing manusia. Apakah kita mahu membimbing anak-anak dengan nafsu atau agama? Perkahwinan yang dibina di atas kecil hati keluarga, kejayaan rumah tangga yang dibina sangatlah tipis berjaya. Tidak ada bukti bahawa perkahwinan yang dibina di atas tergurisnya hati keluarga membina keturunan yang memberi manfaat pada masyarakat. Jika kita berkahwin di kala ini tanpa pengetahuan ibu dan ayah, maka bolehkah kita boleh menjamin anak-anak yang akan dilahirkan dari sulbi isteri kita tidak akan mengulangi apa yang kita lakukan pada ibu bapa kita? Mungkin ianya boleh jadi, lebih teruk dari apa yang kita lakukan pada kedua ibubapa kita?
Bagaimana Jika Sudah Terjadi
Perkahwinan yang telah berlaku tanpa pengetahuan ibu bapa, eloklah dibawa berbincang kembali dengan kedua ibu bapa. Cubalah sedaya mungkin untuk mengambil hati mereka yang terguris. Mohonlah kemaafan dari mereka. Ceritakan kesilapan yang dilakukan bahawa memang betul-betul kesilapan kita. Pokok utama disini, adalah perbincangan dua mata antara kita dan kedua-dua belah keluarga. Mungkin kesilapan yang yang dirasakan kecil itu,boleh menyebabkan dua keluarga berperang. Berbincanglah dengan nada merendah diri, akui kesilapan yang dilakukan. Moga dengan kesilapan yang dilakukan itu, mematangkan lagi kita. Manusia bukan makhluk sempurna, tetapi ketika melakukan kesilapan itulah yang perlu difikir semula dimana silapnya selama ini.
Yang penting disini, sikap berlapang dada kita dalam menilai sesuatu masalah. Walau sebesar manapun masalah itu, ingatlah , bahawa masalah itu, pemiliknya Allah. Dia memberikan kita masalah agar kita untuk menilai kita sejauh mana keimanan kita, sejauh mana kebergantungan kita kepadanya. Semua benda yang berlaku di atas muka bumi ini, ada sebab musababnya. Jika kita yakin dengan keputusan Allah, kita yakin dengan janji Allah, maka di situ kita akan dapat lihat jalan keluar pada setiap masalah yang timbul. Apa yang penting, cekalkan hati, tingkatkan amal agar keteguhan hati bertambah dan lapangkan dada dalam menilai sesuatu, insyaallah, pasti kita akan nampak jalan keluar di dalam kekusutan yang dihadapi.
Wanita n Pohon Semalu
wanita dan semalu....
Pada suatu hari, Rasulullah s.a.w berjalan-jalan bersama puteri baginda, Saidatina Fatimah r.a. Setibanya mereka berdua di bawah sebatang pohon tamar, Fatimah terpijak pohon semalu, kakinya berdarah lalu mengadu kesakitan.
Fatimah mengatakan kepada bapanya apalah gunanya pohon semalu itu berada di situ dengan nada yang sedikit marah. Rasulullah dengan
tenang berkata kepada puteri kesayangannya itu bahawasanya pohon semalu itu amat berkait rapat dengan wanita. Fatimah terkejut. Rasulullah menyambung kata-katanya lagi. Para wanita hendaklah mengambil pengajaran daripada pohon semalu ini dari 4 aspek.
Pertama, pohon semalu akan kuncup apabila disentuh. Ini boleh diibaratkan bahawa wanita perlu mempunyai perasaan malu (pada tempatnya).
Kedua, semalu mempunyai duri yang tajam untuk mempertahankan dirinya. Oleh itu, wanita perlu tahu mempertahankan diri dan maruah sebagai seorang wanita muslim.
Ketiga, semalu juga mempunyai akar tunjang yang sangat kuat dan mencengkam bumi. Ini bermakna wanita solehah hendaklah mempunyai keterikatan yang sangat kuat dengan Allah Rabbul Alamin.
Dan akhir sekali, semalu akan kuncup dengan sendirinya apabila senja menjelang. Oleh itu, para wanita sekalian, kembalilah ke rumahmu apabila waktu semakin senja.
Ambillah pengajaran dari semalu walau pun ia hanya sepohon tumbuhan yang kecil.
Taken from my fren's blog
Pada suatu hari, Rasulullah s.a.w berjalan-jalan bersama puteri baginda, Saidatina Fatimah r.a. Setibanya mereka berdua di bawah sebatang pohon tamar, Fatimah terpijak pohon semalu, kakinya berdarah lalu mengadu kesakitan.
Fatimah mengatakan kepada bapanya apalah gunanya pohon semalu itu berada di situ dengan nada yang sedikit marah. Rasulullah dengan
tenang berkata kepada puteri kesayangannya itu bahawasanya pohon semalu itu amat berkait rapat dengan wanita. Fatimah terkejut. Rasulullah menyambung kata-katanya lagi. Para wanita hendaklah mengambil pengajaran daripada pohon semalu ini dari 4 aspek.
Pertama, pohon semalu akan kuncup apabila disentuh. Ini boleh diibaratkan bahawa wanita perlu mempunyai perasaan malu (pada tempatnya).
Kedua, semalu mempunyai duri yang tajam untuk mempertahankan dirinya. Oleh itu, wanita perlu tahu mempertahankan diri dan maruah sebagai seorang wanita muslim.
Ketiga, semalu juga mempunyai akar tunjang yang sangat kuat dan mencengkam bumi. Ini bermakna wanita solehah hendaklah mempunyai keterikatan yang sangat kuat dengan Allah Rabbul Alamin.
Dan akhir sekali, semalu akan kuncup dengan sendirinya apabila senja menjelang. Oleh itu, para wanita sekalian, kembalilah ke rumahmu apabila waktu semakin senja.
Ambillah pengajaran dari semalu walau pun ia hanya sepohon tumbuhan yang kecil.
Taken from my fren's blog
Ahad, 9 November 2008
Kecelaruan Hati
Minggu final exam semester ini betul2 menguji hidupku sebagai seorang insan. Aku harus kuat...tidak boleh goyah.Bercabang-cabang pemikiranku - ke arah dunia dan akhirat. Aku diuji dengan peperiksaan akhir yang mencabar, pertanyaan serta persoalan dalam hidupku....Aku merasakan terlalu banyak soalan daripada jawapan. Dadaku sesak dengan kesempitan. Benakku buntu dengan kelelahan.
Aku insan lemah. Kadang-kadang tersungkur dalam mencari hala tuju hidup. Perlukan bimbingan daripada sahabat-sahabiah yang disayangi.Mencari redha Illahi dalam setiap detik nafasku. Hanya doa dan harapan mampu kupanjatkan kepadaMu. Hanya Engkau tempat hatiku merintih.
Ya Allah.jangan la Kau jauh dari hambaMu ini...Ya Allah..tetapkan hatiku di JalanMu. Hidupkan hatiku dengan cahaya Islam Mu. Ya Rabbi...pandulah aku dalam kasih sayangMu.Kuatkan semangatku menempuh ujian dariMU.Jauhkanlah kesusahan dalam hatiku. Bimbinglah aku dalam keredhaanMu...
Nukilan:Zaidatul Akmal
Mood :Kebingungan mencari jawapan kepada persoalan
Aku insan lemah. Kadang-kadang tersungkur dalam mencari hala tuju hidup. Perlukan bimbingan daripada sahabat-sahabiah yang disayangi.Mencari redha Illahi dalam setiap detik nafasku. Hanya doa dan harapan mampu kupanjatkan kepadaMu. Hanya Engkau tempat hatiku merintih.
Ya Allah.jangan la Kau jauh dari hambaMu ini...Ya Allah..tetapkan hatiku di JalanMu. Hidupkan hatiku dengan cahaya Islam Mu. Ya Rabbi...pandulah aku dalam kasih sayangMu.Kuatkan semangatku menempuh ujian dariMU.Jauhkanlah kesusahan dalam hatiku. Bimbinglah aku dalam keredhaanMu...
Nukilan:Zaidatul Akmal
Mood :Kebingungan mencari jawapan kepada persoalan
Rabu, 5 November 2008
Step on the Earth

What should I say?
the Sun arise
I woke up earlier
put on the attire
walk down the stairs
with my weak legs
stepped on the earth
breath in the fresh
God still give me the chance
What should I say?
My heart keep beating
My mind keep thinking
My soul keep asking
Is this the true path??
Will I turn back?
Or just keep going?
Oh my dear GOD...
Please do help this mankind
What should I say?
The adrenaline keep running
the heart keep pumps the blood
But the brain lack of Oxygen
It blunt the mind!
The eyes catch the eyes
the warm greet touch the ears
Now I'm facing the real
What should I say?
The Sun shine brightly
the Wind blows the heart
the ants walk slowly
the bees lose the 'buzz'
the trees keep waving
Are all these the sign?
The universe seems tolerate
The confusions held me tight
force me to decide
keep asking deep inside me
Am I ready to step forward?
Will I get hurt?
If it does not right
Now I'm back to the Earth
God won't let me down
these questions will be answered
whenever it will be
I'm sure Allah will always be by my side
Oh Allah....I need your favour
Please untie these knots
Guide me to the true path
I believe in you in each the heartbeats.
Isnin, 3 November 2008
2 minggu selepas letak jawatan sebagai MPP...
gembire ke lps letak jwtn????yg pastinye bile ak tau tarikh tlk jwtn,x brhnti ak nangis...psl pe??x tau la...puas ku cari titik jawapan namun x jupe....biar la rahsia dlm hati ku saje..hehhee...only GOD knows why....
seminggu after turun tu,hidup mcm bese jer...busy mcm tyme ak jd mpp gak....x fhm ak...ke hulu ke hilir ak seminggu pertama tu.uruskan pilihan raya chest la, teman adik2 ak yg tgh pening2 lalat bile dgn dunia baru mereka(mpp baru),byknye last work utk project sbm final,preparation g phuket laa, test lab la, rangke prgrm BBD laa.....
seminggu kedua.....menghabiskan mase study week di luar negara....hehehe..ak dpt offer dr abi...nk g thailand x?rsenye ak adlh org 1st tau psl prgrm konvensyen kt phuket ni..tp ak wat bodo jer..x ckp kt sape2 pon...sbb bg mereka tau drpd abi sendiri laa.seramai 10 org dpt offer ni..yg dpt 5 mantan dan 5 mpp baru...mantan yg dpt ak,cikma,anjang,che d n uteh...tp uteh x g.die suh abg ganti...mpp baru lak yg g,sume adik2 ak yg nakal.terutama don n sazwan...hahaha..terlebih nakal mereka ni..penat jge mereka kt sane..yg len,izzah,izyan n sufi...nnt2 la ak post citer psl phuket...skrg nk study lak...exam final dh ni...bye!
gembire ke lps letak jwtn????yg pastinye bile ak tau tarikh tlk jwtn,x brhnti ak nangis...psl pe??x tau la...puas ku cari titik jawapan namun x jupe....biar la rahsia dlm hati ku saje..hehhee...only GOD knows why....
seminggu after turun tu,hidup mcm bese jer...busy mcm tyme ak jd mpp gak....x fhm ak...ke hulu ke hilir ak seminggu pertama tu.uruskan pilihan raya chest la, teman adik2 ak yg tgh pening2 lalat bile dgn dunia baru mereka(mpp baru),byknye last work utk project sbm final,preparation g phuket laa, test lab la, rangke prgrm BBD laa.....
seminggu kedua.....menghabiskan mase study week di luar negara....hehehe..ak dpt offer dr abi...nk g thailand x?rsenye ak adlh org 1st tau psl prgrm konvensyen kt phuket ni..tp ak wat bodo jer..x ckp kt sape2 pon...sbb bg mereka tau drpd abi sendiri laa.seramai 10 org dpt offer ni..yg dpt 5 mantan dan 5 mpp baru...mantan yg dpt ak,cikma,anjang,che d n uteh...tp uteh x g.die suh abg ganti...mpp baru lak yg g,sume adik2 ak yg nakal.terutama don n sazwan...hahaha..terlebih nakal mereka ni..penat jge mereka kt sane..yg len,izzah,izyan n sufi...nnt2 la ak post citer psl phuket...skrg nk study lak...exam final dh ni...bye!
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