
Isnin, 26 Disember 2011

Jadi vegetarian hari ni!

Assalamualaikum dears,

How are you today??? Ape yg korang buat hr cuti ni? Semoga cuti korang bermakna. Today, sy duk sorg2 kt hostel. My roomate bercuti dgn parents die kt Residence Inn Cherating. Floormate (betol ke perkataan ni? belasah jek laa...) ramai dh pindah ke kolej seberang. daku pon bakal mengikut jejak diorg tp thn depan la. haha..bajet macam lame lg je thn depan tu yer?? ni ingat nk siapkan progress report utk sem ni. Nk kene submit before 30 Dec 2011. Baru siap separuh. Tgh2 wat report, terfikir nk mkn ape hr ni? Ape nk dibuat dgn  sedikit minced meat, 2 sosej, brocolli seketul, karot sebatang dan tomato sebijik? Mostly sayur!

Sume bahan2 tu kene masak hr ni jugak! Bukan sbb expired~ Tp my roomate nk hntr balik die punye rice cooker... Oppss..kantoi masak dlm rice cooker! Hehehe...

Setelah puas fikir, maka siaplah dua hidangan. Haha..tgh2 xde idea boleh masak 2 lauk.. Hidangan pertama, Minced Meat Blackpepper with Veggies dan yang kedua, Vegetables Soup.

Minced Meat Blackpepper with Veggies

Hidangan kedua x dpt amik gambar.. Ni pon amik gmbr pakai kamera lappy. Hp I x canggeh u nk amik gmbor lawo2.. Hihi..

Skrg tgh tggu nasi masak..Ntah ape jd la dgn nasi tu agaknye... Sy bukan reti masak nasi! 


Jempot makan ye sume!

Sabtu, 24 Disember 2011

Sorry...I can't accept you

Assalamualaikum dears,

Semalam g Kuantan..tgh hari mcm tu laa.. tgh syok2 driving ni, tett bunyik mesej masuk. Tekan "READ", sambil mata curi2 bace n tgk jalan..

"Johan, aku mtk maaf. bolehkah aku ambik kau sebagai kawan jak?"

Haha...blurr kejap aku. Sape Johan?? Sah! Salah hntr mesej ni... terkekek-kekek I ketawa dlm kereta... Hahaha.... 

Khamis, 22 Disember 2011

Easily forget

Assalamualaikum dears,

Haha...yesterday, I forgot to punch out after getting off from the office. I already put it in mind when I packed up my stuffs, but suddenly....wooossshhhhhh~ I dissappeared from the office. Before that, I forgot to punch in! I already finished photocopied the documents then I remembered,"Oh...I didn't punch in just now!"  My colleague reminded me to tell the admin exec tomorrow.

And today... I already forgot about those things... hahaha... SEE! I easily forgot eventhough it happened just yesterday. I remembered it when my colleague asked me about that.  so funny rite??

I realized I have problem in my memory this lately... Like En. Safwan said,"Makan semut banyak sangat kot!".... haha.

Jumaat, 16 Disember 2011

What a friendship to me?

Assalamualaikum dears,

It's been 10 days since the last post. I came here everyday, but I didn't have time to scratch a word here..

I m feeling lonely.. I hardly try not to think about it bcoz I don't want to ruin my heart anymore. But, I m a human, someone who has emotional and feeling.
These days, I feel like I do not have anyone around me,but actually there are a lot of people around me. 

Yes, there r many people, but I m afraid of them. I don't want they hurt my feeling anymore. I think my heart is too fragile when it comes to friendship.

I scrolled down my friendlist in FB. Wow! There are so many friends I have. It makes me think.. Are they my 'friend'? or Am I their 'friend'? It's hard to answer..It's hard to define the word 'friend'. Sometimes, the word 'friend' make me happy, laugh, cry, sad, worry, depressed. It is a mix of feelings.

When I befriend with someone, I really friend with them. It makes want to care about them, want to share foods with them, want to help them, want to know their sadness and happiness and want to ease them in many ways as long as I could.  I know I am that kind of person. In my friendship, I hardly say word 'NO'!

I cannot say "No, I can't" when a friend ask for my help.
I cannot say "No, I don't want to go" when a friend ask to go with them.
I cannot say "No, I don't know" when a friend ask something they don't know.

Instead, I will say "Hmm, tell me how can I help you? I might be a little help" when a friend ask for my help.
I will say "Yes, let's go to there" when a friend ask to go with them to somewhere or or "It's OK. Let me bring you there" when actually I do not want to go, or I think that friend is in problem and to shy to ask for my help.
I will say "Oh, let me try google it up" when the friend ask something they don't know. Sometimes, I don't know too, but my enthusiasms of friendships drove me to find the answer for them. I simply cannot say no.

THAT is ME! when it comes to a friendship.

I know I am not perfect to be a friend of yours. I am trying my best every single minutes to be your best or just a good friend. 

I know I have no money to give you to be your friend. I just have love and passion to be shared with someone called friend. I like to share my foods with you, I like to cook you some meals, I like to celebrate your birthday eventhough it is only a piece of cake because I hv no money that time..sorry friend..I like to prepare u birthday card with my own hands, I like to ask about your child because I am happy for you, I'm willing to spend my nights at your home when ur hubby is outstation because I don't want you to feel lonely. Sometimes, eventhough you asked me to do something that is so simple, I just do it becoz I think you maybe not have time. I take it easy even I know u r badmouthing about me. I take it easy when you shout at me, yelled at me, letting out your depression to me. I m the one who worried the most when u fall sick suddenly. I killed my sleeping time to wait for your arrival from hometown at 1, 2, 3 a.m. in the morning (u know I sleep before 12). But I don't mind it all. Because I valued our friendship more than anything else. All those hardships could be easy things to me..

I cannot name who are my friends because they are too many. But I can name the 'true friends' because they are a few. But, just let me write their names in my heart. It is too priceless to let many people know.

I am sorry if anyone of my friends get touched if you read this. I just want to express out my feelings tonight. I m sorry if I hurt you friends~

Selasa, 6 Disember 2011

Sup telur atau sup kentang?

Assalamualaikum dears,

Hari ni sy pose..Dh ke petang ni, rase penat dan xleh fokus, ape lg, google resipi la...

Mcm2 dh resipi tadi jupe. Tp impossible la nk masak kt asrama kan?? Xkan nk masak Ketam Lemak Cili Padi @ Sayur bungkus @ Udang Masak Tempoyak kt hostel? Harus la tidak boleh. Bau satu aras nnt kantoi lak~ Hikhikhik...

So, hr ni masak simple2 je la utk berbuka...Masak sup telur @ sup kentang.. La..apesal lak ade @ kt tgh2 tu? Nak tahu, jom tgk resipi...

Ni resipi xde org leh claim resipi die originally. sape yg cipta resipi ni pon sy x tau.. Tp sy msk ni ikot version sy okeh! SO, suke ati la nk tmbh, tolak darab bahagi ape dlm sup ni...hahaha...


3 biji bawang merah-mayang nipis-nipis
1 ulas bawang putih-ketuk je la senang
2 biji telur*
2 biji kentang* - potong ikot suke
sedikit fucuk
sedikit soohoon
sekeping tauhu
lobak merah+brokoli+bunga kobis (suke hati la nk ltk sayur ape, janji sesuai ok)
minyak masak untuk menumis
air secukupnya
lada hitam-ikot suke lidah korang

Langkah demi langkah:

1. Tumis bawang merah dan putih sehingga naik bau. Masukkan lada hitam sekejap. Jangan smpai hangit..hahaha
2. Lepas tu, masukkan air secukupnya. Kalau nk kuah banyak, letak la banyak yer.
3. Lepas tu masukkan ubi kentang. Biar empuk.
4. Masukkan telur dan kacau-kacau la sikit.
5. Lepas tu, masukkan la bahan-bahan lain.
6. Ha..jgn lupe letak garam yer..

*Nama sup ni bergantung kepada jumlah telur dan kentang. haha..klu letak kentang byk, jd la sup kentang. ltk telur banyak, jd la sup telur.. suke hati ko je senah! hahaha...

Okey...selamat mencuba!!!

p/s: Gambar g google sendiri.. resipi kuar dulu kt belog sebelum masak...

Sabtu, 3 Disember 2011

ENTRY marah!!!!!!

Pg2 lg dh mood aku swing!!!

Menyampah betol ak dgn manusia dasar sombong ni! X leh ke nk cakap elok2 klu nk tegur pon? x beradab lgsg.. Len kali x yh nk pakai kopiah tu ats kepala klu perangai kurang ajar!

Konon je dh bg announcement ape ak buat tu satu kesalahan..pdhal xde pn!

Ak cek satu2 announcement yg dr archive sume..mmg xde! 

saje la tu nk kerek dgn aku...bajet bagos!!

Mentang2 die staf permanent!

Semoga Allah bg hidayah kt die supaya jangan kerek n kurang ajar dgn student sngt! Kitorg pon manusia ok~

Jumaat, 2 Disember 2011

Keje, keje jugak..STUDY yg utama ye sayang~

Assalamualaikum dears,

Bukan main lg panjang ade sikit lg nk tambah.. 'tp belog jangan lupe update!!' hahaha...

Memandangkan diri dh rasmi sebagai student master, sila la bawak bertaubat yer. Jgn duk main je...(main ke??)

Sekarang masa study dh kurang sejak kerja part time ni. Tp demi sesuap nasi dan nk bayar kereta, kene jugak keje! Skrg dh xleh tggu nnt la nk study. Ade mase free jer, kne pakse diri bace jurnal, walaupon kt mane2 sekalipon. td bru attend Journal Publications untuk Biologist oleh Prof. Dr. Peter Convey from Cambridge University, UK. Ternganga kejap dengar die cakap. Mmg slanga British la~ hahaha...50% je ak lompat n ngap..lg 50% ak berenang dan telan je! x faham? x faham sudah~ =P

Ok la...malam ni nk cube habiskan baca satu research article! Wish me luck!!!!!

143 you guys~

Belog yg saya suke berjalan2

Assalamualaikum dears,

Setiap kali sy buke, sy x bleh klu x berjalan-jalan di belog-belog ni;-

1) Ben Ashaari

  • entry die pendek-pendek
  • entry up to date dgn isu semasa
  • his wife tgh pregnant-suke bile die update ttg baby die

2) Kasih Aleeya dan Kasih Amani

  • Kak Filla ni gile2 orgnye
  • Entry die mmg best
  • ayt2 die tulis dlm entry kdg2 boleh tergelak
  • suke bile die cite psl anak2 die yg kiut miut tu!
  • entry kak Filla alive..x dibuat2. sy suke!

3) My Sweetheart, My Sunshine

  • ni belog bekas ofismet
  • die tulis belog mcm dedication to her family
  • sy kenal anak2 die, mmg comel, lasak n talkative

4) Mama Kembar 3

  • I love her triplet! so adorable!
  • Inspiration sbb mama manage to look after the triplet and she also works!

Ade banyak lg belog yg sy bace. Tp belog2 ni mmg sy selalu jenguk tiap2 hari.. Jgn lupe tggl link belog...Nnt boleh la sy dtg berjalan-jalan~

Khamis, 1 Disember 2011

Masalah bila terlalu maju

Assalamualaikum dears,

Good morning everybody!!! (morning la sngt~ hihihi)

Sekarang bersiaran dr ofis UMPH pulak. Balik dr MSR td kul 4 pg. Then, tak boleh tido. Kul 5 pg baru leh tido. Kul 6.30 pg dh bgn solat subuh. Then, smbg tidow balik... (oooppsss...cancel wat calon!)

Tetibe...lagu Alif Satar berbunyi2.. adui, sape pulak tepon ni??? Huhu..number ofis lak tu... mesti bos ni..huhu..x nk angkt x leh.. kene angkat jugak. Lepas cakap bla..bla..bla.. smbg tido balik! hahaha...teruk tol anak dara sorg tido x lame pon. 9.15pg dh bgn, mandi2 terus g giler bebas nk masuk kul bape. tp kurang jam keje, kurang la duit dapat! =P

Ok, back to our topic, semalam kan kitorg key in data untuk MSR tu. tp system jammed. Rupe2nye, bile system jammed tu, kuota borang tu dh habis!!! so, we only succeed to submit only one form! *sigh*

So, today x tahu la macam ne. Bos pon dh pening2.

Yeay! I got MyBrain15!

Assalamualaikum dears,

It's already a week after I got this news, but just today I can share with you guys.. I got email from MyBrain15 on 23rd November 2011. Hehehe...

I just finished completing the agreement forms and sent to the MOHE last day. I hope the documents are complete and not rejected by them.

Then, I do not have to worry about my study fees anymore, but I have to worry about my monthly allowance. I don't know when I will get the GRS (Grant research Scheme, provided by UMP) money.

FYI, currently I am working part time at UMPH to get some money. But it is not enough. I still lack of money to pay monthly payment for car. *sigh*

Please do pray for me that I will get the GRS as soon as possible, then I do not have to work part time anymore and I can focus on my study after this!


p/s: still in Malaysian Solar Resources doing work!

1st December 2011 morning

Assalamualaikum dears,

Good morning everyone!! Now is 2.23 a.m.

Guess where I am right now? muahaha..still not sleeping~

I'm now doing some works at Malaysian Solar Resources just next to UMP. I just slept for one hour before coming here..

We (me, Dc, and another 3 staffs of Malaysian Solar) need to key in data for approval application for UMPH project. We need to submit about 120 forms in 3 days. However, we cannot login the website at many computers at the same time. So, we need to do it one by one. I donno when it will finish. We only succeed to submit one form so far!!!

Now, the system is jammed. I donno when it wil be stable back. Wish us luck!!!


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