"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place."
Sabtu, 5 September 2009
1 Sept - PSM oooo PSM - 2 Sept
Sejak mula semester ni smpai la minggu lps, sbnrnye sy lgsg xde feel dgn PSM. Adala masalah2 yg terjadi yg tidak perlu dihebohkan di sini. Nanti org ckp mencari simpati @ publisiti murahan laks!!
Akhir semester lps, sy pilih tajuk "Enzymatic Hydrolysis Of Plant Biomass". SV ialah Puan Rohaida Che Man. 1st tyme jumpe SV,"mak aih, lawanye SV aku.." hehehehe.... Tidak salah memuji ciptaan Illahi. Subhanallah wal hamdulillahi wala ila ha illallah waallahu akbar...
Bila masuk semester baru, sy mmg semangat giler dgn PSM wpon x fhm sngt ape bende la nk wat..dh cr mklumat byk2 smpai nk pecah otak bce jurnal. Jurnal ni ckp camni,jurnal tu cakap camtu. dan smpai la satu saat, sy tinggalkan PSM hmpir sebulan lamanye kerana kecewa atas beberapa perkara...Jangan cuba membuat sebarang andaian!!!
Smpai la mse seminar proposal writing tu, still xde feel. tp nk wat camne kan....nk x nk kne wat jgk.nnt sendiri susah..sy pon memakse la diri utk wt sikit2. tarikh nk present dh dkt...tggl beberapa hari je lg..naseb bek fhm flow process die. atas bantuan encik zaki, my feveret JP kt lab, sy pon menetapkan parameter2 utk experiment PSM ni....huhu.. thanx encik zaki!!!
Bertungkus-lumus menyiapkan slide presentation sbb 1 sept SV nk tgk dulu sblm approve. akhirnye done!!! credits to all rumetes n best frens sbb byk bg panduan n diringan nk wat slide ni...kerana sbnrnye feeling utk PSM masih x dtg lg!!!
1 sept,kul 10 pg....mse tu tgh lab biosep. minta excuse dr en. zaki nk g jupe SV jap..berdebar la jgk. dh lame x jupe SV, x update pon nk wat pe...tp i already prepared my mental to face all the possibilities...yela esok dh nk present ni!!! ZAIDATUL AKMAL!!!! call ur spirit back 2 ur soul now!!! bile jupe SV, byk la slide yg kene baiki..siap tajuk pon dh berubah. cume proses same lg..dr sugarcane kite nk dptkn glucose melalui enzymatic hydrolysis.
ape pulok la RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY ni???????????? SV suh sy dtg bwe slide baru yg tlh dibaiki n tmbh bnde ni kul 4 nnt..xpe la, tmbh je dulu...nnt2 la pk ape ke bende ni. hbis kls OSH, siap leh tdo tu, bkn nk siapkan slide..kul 4 nk kne hntr semule...ngee~~
kul 2.30 ptg bru start nk edit slide..akhirnye 3.35 siap!! bile SV tgk, die satisfied!!she approved!! mse tu la bru feeling utk PSM ni dtg...thanx to my SV! sebenarnye ade sesuatu berlaku dlm bilik SV sy tyme tu. mase tu SV n kami berlima ade dlm tu.. ttp peristiwa yg berlaku itu sngt menggembirakan hati...lalalala~~~
berbalik kpd RSM td..dh sakit kepale.esok sah2 paneltnye psl ni. sdg ke hulu ke hilir kt fakulti tu,nampak la si nadira n anira.diorg nk jupe en.emot....upppsssssssss en. rozaimi..hehehehe. sory encik!! sy pon join la menyibuk..dh sebuk2 menyibuk tu, tnye le en.rozaimi psl RSM...die pon citer. fhm la sket...thanx encik!!!
mlm tu search lg psl RSM and baiki slide lg sbb mcm dh lari dgn tajuk pulak slide sy ni..esoknye present...siyes berdebar!!!!tp alhamdulillah, ok la...panel sy tyme tu puan syalida.. soklan2 die bleh thn..but i like her, die tnye sbb nk thu n tgkpemahaman kite...as I expected, she asked me about RSM..fuuuhhhhhhhhh
and sejak dr 1 sept tu, i started to feel serious about my PSM...hm..x thu la ade org perasan ke x sy x care lgsg dgn PSM b4 diz. yela...sy bkn menjadi glamer sngt utk diberi perhatian oleh org2 sekeliling....who am i??
hopefully...my PSM will succeed!!
Jumaat, 4 September 2009
Tag from achik
10 CIRI LELAKI/WANITA YANG LAYAK MENJADI ISTERI/SUAMI ANDA-[di akhir post anda,tagged 10 orang dari rakan2 anda]
1. Boleh jd Imam serta beriman. dan mampu utk membimbing diriku n anak2 kami nnt..
2. Dia berbudi bahasa... x ckp kasar2 dgn sy krn sy seorg yg sngt sensitif.
3. Bertanggungjawab...yg utama kpd mak die..kpd sy n keluarga sy
4. Gentleman... he loves me then he should ask me from my family properly
5. Sensitif dengan perubahan sy setiap mase..becoz i am a girl,full of emotion. he should know it
6. Penyayang dgn binatang.. biasenye lelaki cmni x naik tgn.. tp x thu la..hrp2 betul
7. Penyabar..sy ni bersiap lmbt, masak lmbt, lipat baju lmbt, wat kerja rumah pon lmbt..so, kne r sabar
8. Rajin...sbb sy ni x rajin sngt. jd die kne r rajin bntu sy wat kerja2 rumah. lgpon household chores are not under woman responsibilities only.. Rasulullah pon bantu isteri Baginda tau!!!
9. Ade janggut!.....hahahaha..no comment!
10. Cukup la 9...penat dh nk pk...hmmm...sy hrp die yg terbaik utk sy..and hrp2 sy pon terbaik utk die..
So, skrg nk tag bdk2 ni lak!!
1. Nurul Fatiehah
2. Ain Siken
3. Dciey
4. Fani
5. Anjang
6. Abang Milul
7. Jepah
8. Zairie
9. Cikma
10. Sape2 yg singgah kt cni...hehehehe
Khamis, 3 September 2009
Malam Ke-14 Ramadhan
Ni nk kongsi sikit pengisian semasa tazkirah ringkas antara solat terawih td..
Ustaz td cerita pasal pembentukan keluarga yang bahagia. Asas sebuah keluarga yang bahagia bermula dari ketaatan ahli keluarga itu kepada Allah S.W.T. Anak-anak mentaati ibu bapa, isteri mentaati suami dan suami mentaati Allah. Itu point utama die...elaboration die td x ingt sngt...
‘Jika kalian menginginkan kehidupan dunia dan perhiasannya, marilah supaya kuberikan kepada kalian mut’ah dan aku ceraikan kalian dengan cara yang baik’(al ahzab;28)
‘Dan jika kalian mengkehendakkan keredhaan Allah dan RasulNya serta (kesenangan) di negeri akhirat, maka sesungguhnya Allah menyediakan bagi sesiapa saja yang berbuat di antara kalian pahala yang besar’(al ahzab;29)
Sifat saling menghormati dalam ahli keluarga sangat diperlukan. Ini penting dalam menjaga hubungan dan untuk mewujudkan persefahaman dalam institusi keluarga itu. Oleh yang demikian, amatlah penting untuk memberi pendidikan agama seawal mungkin agar konsep ini dpat dihayati bukan sahaja oleh golongan tua malah yang palng muda. Anak-anak kecil harus dididik untuk mempunyai rasa tanggungjawab terhadap ahli keluarga yang lain. Ini akan menjurus kepada pembentukan peribadi yang cemerlang.
Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim menyatakan: “Bertakwalah kepada Allah dan berlaku adil terhadap anak”.
Dalam hal ini, ibu bapa perlu menunjukkan kasih sayang sepenuhnya.
Anak akan melihat dan menjadikan contoh kasih sayang itu kepada ibu bapanya.
Tidak rugi menunjukkan kasih sayang dalam keluarga kerana anak akan membalas kasih sayang itu apabila dia dewasa.
Kasih sayang datang daripada perasaan, bukan daripada pemberian wang ringgit atau yang berbentuk kebendaan. Kasih sayang lahir daripada jiwa suci dan murni.
Hari ini keruntuhan institusi keluarga amat ketara menyebabkan ramai ahli masyarakat yang tidak lagi percaya kepada institusi itu.
Ikatan antara ayah dan ibu semakin longgar. Tiada lagi kasih sayang wujud dalam keluarga manakala pengaruh Barat sudah menular dalam masyarakat kita.
Untuk memperbaiki kehidupan keluarga, seluruh ahli keluarga hendaklah menjadikan rumah sebagai asas menjalin kasih sayang dan keharmonian yang utuh.
Permulaan hubungan suami isteri juga hendaklah dilatari dengan penuh kemuliaan.. Allah berfirman dalam Al-Quran,"Jauhi zina, sesungguhnya ia akan membawa kepada kemudaratan dan kemungkaran.." Peliharalah diri sebelum berkahwin untuk mengelakkan kemungkaran dari Allah. Semoga hawa nafsu yang meliar, jinak dengan amalan di bulan Ramadhan ini.... InsyaAllah..
Jumaat, 14 Ogos 2009
~Ketika Cinta Bertasbih~
Melly Goeslaw - Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
(Featuring Amee)
Seindah goresan sabda-Mu dalam kitabku
Cinta yang bertasbih mengutus hati ini
Ku sandarkan hidup dan matiku pada-Mu
Bisikkan doaku dalam butiran tasbih
Ku panjatkan pintaku pada Maha Cinta
Sudah diubun-ubun cinta mengusik rasa
Tak bisa ku paksa walau hatiku menjerit
Ketika cinta bertasbih nadiku berdenyut merdu
Kembang kempis dadaku merangkai butir cinta
Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
Sujud syukur pada-Mu atas segala cinta
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Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
Sujud syukur pada-Mu atas segala cinta
Ketika cinta bertasbih
Rabu, 12 Ogos 2009
Love Myself, Appreciate Myself
Breathe out..................
Breathe in.................
Breathe out...............
I feel very hard to breathe..my chest feel very heavy...what's wrong with me...
Ahad, 9 Ogos 2009
rindu kt adik akak~pesanan buat sazwan sahar
sejak seminggu ni asyik teringat kat SAZWAN SAHAR je....nape yer? rse2 cam adik sy yg sorg ni ade byk sngt problem...tp die x prnh citer kat kakak die..maybe die lupe kot..die ade kakak yg bernama ZAIDATUL AKMAL...
hmm...dear my lil bro,
mungkin akak kurang peranan sbg seorg kakak kpd kamu...i'm so sory k...tp akak nk kamu sentiasa ingat, akak x prnh lupe kamu sbg adik..cume kekangan mase menghalang akak skrg ni. sjk akhir2 ni byk sngt benda berlaku, kdg2 ade gak terfikir nk bercerite dgn kamu, sharing probs dgn kamu...tp x smpt.
kite same2 bz..kdg2 akak rse bersalah heret kamu dlm kesibukan di UMP ni..tp akak bangga dgn kamu tau. sbb kamu berusaha untuk manage dgn baik, n yg penting kamu x prnh putus asa di mata akak...
pesanan akak utk kamu...
- jaga hubungan kamu dgn Allah
- jaga hubungan kamu dgn mak
- jaga hubungan kamu dgn ayah
- jaga hubungan kamu dgn keluarga (siblings, relatives)
- jaga hubungan kamu dgn manusia yg lain
bye adik sayang~
Sabtu, 1 Ogos 2009
NADIRA become a lady today!!
hahaha....mesti kecoh..
nk tau x kenape?
meh kite tgk gambar yer....
akhirnye UMP closed!!
sedang berjalan-jalan tu, kami terserempak dgn cik asmida, our PA n felo also... she told use that UMP has confirmed to be closed for A WEEK!!!
lamenye...............dan semue org sdh jadi kelam kabut semalam. mencari tiket pulang ke kampung dengan segera..tp sy n member dgn relax nye g nonton Nur Kasih kt kafe mlm td...hahaha. sebelum tu dh kol umi..
Umi said,"ha,balik la klu camtu..."
Me said,"huhu..bkn x mo balik.mslhnye byk keje..takut x smpat buat.lgpon rumete mcm x balik jer sume.
Umi said,"o0o0....xpe la klu ade org x balik."
Me said,"klu balik, takut bawe balik pathogen ke rumah lak.nk g rumah mak sedare, sume ade baby..so, cannot go to their home la."
Umi said,"hmm...ye x ye jgk..xpe la.klu nk balik,bg tau la...."
so, smlm sy pon men'decide'kan untuk tidak pulang krn rumete sy, fani n ema duk jauh.xde tiket nk blik...nadira pon x boleh balik sbb hlgn keluarge.mak die x bg balik dowh sbb die batuk.takut jangkit kt adik die...
so,kami duk cni sudeh....
P/S: encik azmi kate semlm,klu x balik, meh duk rumah die.....hehehe. jom2!!
Jumaat, 31 Julai 2009
kisahku semasa DERMA DARAH iFest UMP
pada hari selasa 21 Julai yg lepas pukul 10 pagi....
kami berlima (me,masita,nadz,ain, n salita) pergi la menapak ke ruang legar blok W tempat blood donation tu...isi borang kt kaunter 1, n buat check up kt kaunter 2.
sy mmg bersemangat bab2 derma drh ni...x tau la kenape..dr zaman KMPh lg..tp tyme tu medical check up x lps..hemoglobin rendah dlm darah.less than 12.5...so x dpt la nk derma that day.
mase 1st year, sy tried lg sekali..mase tu student yg amik subjek TITAS organize. mase tu cuak jugak,mcm2 pk.. "sakit x? hemoglobin lepas x kali ni?" huhu... tp Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar. X SAKIT PON!!!! sedar2 drh dh mengalir melalui tiub itu masuk ke dalam blood bag tu.
and now the story during 4th year...
ain ikut bkn sbb nk donate darah tp saje2 nk tgk..ade jgk org mcm ain ek..salita confuse same ade nk derma atau x..masita 1st tyme! die takut gak mule2. yg konfem nk derma hanye sy n nadz....hehe..semangat kami berdua!!!
sy org pertama yg baring di bed antara kami bertiga. but I'm the last person leave that bed!! Why??? there is some problem happened to me!!
Nurse melayu : ni first tyme derma ke?
me : x.. second tyme ni.
Nurse melayu : nk derma tangan mane yer?
me : hmmm....tangan kiri boleh? tgn kanan nk nulis nnt.....hehe
Nurse melayu : Ok
Nurse tu pon cek la urat darah kt tgn kiri.
Nurse melayu : urat darah awk sebelah tgn kiri ni kecik la. kite tukr tgn kanan boleh?
me : hmm...boleh jer. x kisah.....
die pon cek tgn kanan lak...
Nurse melayu : sebelah sini pon x nmpk..hm dulu derma darah tgn mane?
me : tangan kanan..
Nurse melayu :hmm..x boleh ni..kecik sket urat drh awk ni. kite buat tgn kiri la yer..
me : OK.
sy bg tgn kiri lak...
die pon cucuk tgk kiri sy..sakit la sket.( x tau same ade sy yg sensitif dgn jarum itu atau nurse tu yg berkasar)
darah yg keluar dr tgn kiri sy sngt cair n menarik perhatian nurse cina kt situ.
sy x tau ape yg die bebel kt nurse melayu tu..diorg gune bahase hospital.huhu...nurse cina tu dtg cek sy. Die suh nurse melayu tu stopkan amik drh sy.. ha?!!! sy chill lg tyme tu..
Nurse cina : klu mcm ni drh awk, awk xleh teruskn donation..
me : oo.. (then, sy diam.)
Nurse cina : kite tukar tgn kanan boleh?nk derma lg x?
me : nak..boleh je tukar tgn.
Nurse cina : salur darah awk kecik. awk xleh derma lebih dr 350cc..
me : oooo...tp dlm borang die tulis kn 350cc. doc tnye td, nk derma bape? sy jwb 350cc dh r doc..hehehe
Nurse cina : tp dlm borang tulis 450cc. awkmmg xleh derma sebyk ni klu salur darah awk kecik.
Nurse cina tu membebel smbil cucuk tgn kanan ak utk amik darah. die bincang dgn nurse melayu yg td tu.psl kesilapan volume darah yg ptt sy donate. slh sape? sbnrnye slh nurse melayu tu..die bace slh. mmg doc tulis 350cc pon.tp awlnye doc tulis 450cc tp bile die cancel,die tulis 350cc tu ats 450cc..sbb tu kot x nmpk...gaduh la kowang! sy jadi MANGSA!! huhu....
kwn2 sy sume dh cuak tyme tu..masing2 wait n see...
Nurse cina : Lain kali awk derm 350cc jer tau. bg tau doc len kali yer.
me : OK! (mls nk gaduh.sbb sy dh penat)
sepanjang darah saya mengalir tu, ramai betol org dtg melawat sy..huhuhu..mcm stay kt hosp pulak.tgh sakit, org dtg ziarah...mule2 fani, yda, n wawa..wawa nk teman tp x thn tgk drh..die pon balik. then dtg student diploma chem thn 3, dzul and the gang..dtg berborak2,amik gambar..mcm sengal jer!! anyway diorg dh kurangkan stress sy kerana dicucuk dua kali pd hari yg same..huhu.. thanx yer sume!!
bile sy dh settle, masita pulak pening.kne rehat kat bed. salita nk derma, bile g blood test, HB x cukup, so x dpt derma r..
bile masita dh ok, kmi sume pon pulang ke bilik n tdo. 1st tyme sy rse sngt x lrt bile derma darah...huhu. sume keje x jalan lps tu. saya sakit tgn selame seminggu sbb lenguh2 n lebam x hilang.
skrg dh Ok da...tp tu pengalaman yg paling menarik la. org len pon x alami nye!!!
p/s: JANGAN TAKUT DERMA DARAH! maybe sedikit darah kite tu memberi harapan kpd yang memerlukan..
Khamis, 30 Julai 2009
Kuarantin..H1N1...UMP close???
Hari ni nk buat entry psl isu hot kt ump skrg...UMP Student positive H1N1!!
Huhu...seriau mendengarnye... sejak seminggu lps, mmg diakui majoriti clasmete I yg demam teruk, muntah2, batuk, sakit tekak dan seumpamanya... dan ramai la jadi pengunjung setia pusat kesihatan pelajar ump....
yang bestnye, dalam rekod PKP, student 4BKB paling ramai demam yang teruk!!! huhu.......jd kesannye kami sume tlh ditahan oleh pegawai kesihatan HTAA pd hari semalam. tyme tu kls pn.wina, pn.wina dpt kol dr dr.mimi...dr.mimi suh semua stdnt K11 g klinik semule utk check up suhu badan....kls pon dipendekkan utk bg laluan kpd kami sume ke klinik...
Bile pn.wina lpskan kami sume, I pon kuar dr kls nk g klinik cpt2...tp x smpt smpai ke pintu gerbang blok W, I nmpk la pegawai UMP ntah sape la name die dgn PM Nordin..tyme tu I dh rse pelik, sbb x prnh tgk PM Nordin duk bersantai mcm tu saje2...
pegawai UMP : Awak stdent kimia ek?
Kami : yer..kami la tu
pegawai UMP : bdk kls awk ek yg ramai demam tu?
Kami : Ha'aah....
Pegawai UMP : Ha...mcm ni.sy nk awk msuk semule ke kls td...pergi masuk dulu
Kami : ha?!!!! (kami sume menjerit n tunjuk muke x puas hati..bkn x puas hati dgn pegawai tu tp x dpt bayangkan ape akn berlaku nnt pulak!!!)
Kami pon masuk la ke kls semule...sngt kecoh tyme tu..cuak pon ade...pn.wina dh but gaye comel die...pegawai kesihatan pon bg tau la yg kami sume akan ditemu duga dan diambil suhu badan. kami sume dpt hadiah..MASK!!sume wajib pakai...
antara soalan yang ditanye..."awk ade demam , batuk, selesema x dlm seminggu ni?"
lps tu kene amik suhu badan.. 36.9 deg C...normal
kami pon dibenarkan balik ke hostel dgn syrt memakai mask spjg perjalanan..malam tu kami dgr ade student dihntar ke HTAA..waa...
hari ni, lg la horror...dh ade student UMP positive H1N1. skrg dh berpuluh2 org dikuarantin kt KK4..esok sume kelas telh dicancel...huhu...pg esok keputusan sama ad UMP akan ditutup akn diketahui la...klu tutup, kami pon x tau nk wat camne...
kite tunggu je la ek....
Rabu, 1 Julai 2009
Detik-detik akhir....
Kemalasan yang melampau utk meng'update' blog semase cuti...huhu..just a few days b4 the break ends!
4 me, dis is the longest break I ever have at home since I study kt UMP neh... tp wpon cuti pjg, xleh duk diam...ade jgk I attend 2 prgrm tyme break.. PROMINDS n BBJ.. best2!
dh nk hbis cuti, tp I mls betul nk bace psl PSM tu...xde feeling lgsg nk masuk 4th year.. camne neh? I balik UMP sabtu neh, duk UMP seminggu, then balik umah semule..why??? ade laaa hal nyer...
len kali la I citer kt sumer.. nk kene set mind betul2 b4 balik UMP neh.. klu x sia2 I balik UMP, mencari2 diriku yang hilang...waduh...
adios amigos!!
Isnin, 18 Mei 2009
Friendship awards 2009!!
"g blog zairie..ambk somethg utk za.."
I wonder what it is....
When I browse and read his blog, I found out this pic... A friendship award from him...hehehe

1. put this badge on your awesome blog.
2. award this badge to 10 bloggers whom you think are inspirational and friendly.
3. make sure you put the 'receipents' name here, along with their links.
4. let them know about this.
Now I want to give this award to:-
1st tentunya ana bg kt Zairie back..
a friend I knew since my 1st year. Too much memories in our friendship...Hope this friendship will never end...
then to abg milul
this is my 2nd bro....he is a friend and a bro too..he loves blogging and like entreperneuship..he wants to be a bussinessman someday..
then syafarah
my classmate and close to me deep in a heart...thats all i wanna say...
yg ke 4 smpai infinity... to all my frenz, whether they know about this blog or not..
~mdh2an ukhwah berterusan..insyaallah~(copy from zairie..pinjam ek!!)
Khamis, 14 Mei 2009
Berapa ramai lelaki boleh jadi imam?
Kalau perempuan tidak boleh memasak, dikutuk dan disuruh belajar. Kalau lelaki tak boleh jadi imam kita kata okay saja. Jangan diperbesarkan nanti mereka terasa hati.
"Apalah perempuan, tak pandai masak siapa nak kahwin dengan awak!"
Begitulah kata rakan sejawat lelaki pada seorang anak dara, juga rakan sejawat kami.
Maka jawaplah si gadis ayu itu yang dia tidak sempat belajar memasak sebab dari kecil tidak digalakkan keluarga sebaliknya disuruh menumpukan perhatian pada pelajaran saja. Sementelah tinggal di asrama, peluang pulang ke rumah terhad dan tidak sempat turun ke dapur membantu ibunya.
"Habis sekarang kenapa tidak belajar?" Tanya sang lelaki lagi dengan penuh semangat.
"Sedang belajarlah ni tetapi selain sibuk dengan kerjaya saya juga sibuk belajar agama, jadi belajar memasak tetap tidak diutamakan!" Begitu jawab si gadis yang membuatkan lelaki tadi menggeleng-geleng kepala. Baginya tidak sempurna seorang wanita jika tidak tahu memasak. Wanita sepatutnya buat begitu juga.
Syarat utama menjadi suami mesti boleh menjadi imam. Walau ada yang kata, jika itu syaratnya bermakna makin ramai wanita yang hidup bujang seumur hidup. Lelaki meletakkan kebolehan wanita di dapur sebagai perkara utama dan ungkapan hendak memikat suami, perlu pikat seleranya sering diguna pakai.
Tidak kiralah jika wanita itu berpelajaran atau berjawatan tinggi dan penyumbang utama kewangan dalam rumahtangganya. Sekarang bukan asing lagi gaji isteri lebih tinggi daripada suami. Namun kedudukan suami sebagai raja tidak pernah dilupa walau dia tidak mengambil inisiatif mempelajari ilmu menjadi imam. Ilmu bermain video game di komputer mereka rasa lebih perlu.
Kalau tidak tahu memasak disuruh belajar dan sesudah belajar perlu handal. Jika handal bukan setakat masak untuk keluarga sendiri, kalau boleh perlu boleh memasak untuk tiga pasukan bola. Begitulah standard yang telah ditetapkan. Bolehkah kita meletakkan undang-undang itu kepada lelaki juga. Kalau tidak pandai jadi imam, belajarlah. Mula-mula jadi imam kepada keluarga sendiri, sudah terror boleh mengimam satu taman perumahan juga.
"Sibuk suruh kita handal memasak, mereka tu bolehkah jadi imam?" Dengus teman wanita yang lain. Betul juga. Berapa kerat lelaki yang menjadikan sembahyang jemaah di rumah bersama anak isteri sebagai agenda utama, selain keperluan memenuhi pelbagai seleranya? Maka bertanyalah wanita kini kepada beberapa lelaki tentang kebolehan yang satu ini.
Ternyata ramai yang menjawap tidak confident menjadi imam sebab takut bacaan al-Fatihah tidak sempurna, salah tajwid atau pun dia merasakan isterinya lebih handal. Ada yang kata lebih elok dia dan isteri sembahyang sendiri-sendiri. Ada juga menjawab, rasa kelakar pula apabila dirinya yang rugged menjadi imam.
Isu ini sepatutnya kita beratkan sepertimana masyarakat memberatkan wanita perlu pandai memasak jika mahu bersuami. Lelaki juga harus boleh menjadi imam supaya kewibawaan mereka sebagai ketua keluarga tidak goyah atau menjadi mangsa queen control. Kalau tidak pandai, belajarlah sekarang. Jika wanita disuruh belajar, apa salahnya lelaki!
so, mcm ne ek? Kite sering hrp sesorg itu sempurna buat kita..tp pernahkan kite terfikir, adekah kite sempurna buat seseorg???
tiada manusia yang sempurna selain Baginda Rasulullah S.A.W. Belajarlah daripada baginda, tentang tips2 berkeluarga....
Kepada sepupu-sepupu dan kawan-kawan yang nk kawin, bertunang cuti ni...persiapkan la dirimu dengan ilmu..semoga hubungan yang dibina diredhai olehNya..
Rabu, 13 Mei 2009
the end of Sem 2 08/09
It's been long tyme not updating my blog... 1 month I think.. The Sem II 2008/2009 has ended and it gives mean that the semester break began!! I wonder what am I going to do at home during this break.
I sit for the Final Exam with too much things in my head!! I dunno what kind of result might I get. Last time, I need to get prepared with PROMINDS 2009. It was a training course for the MINDS facilitators for preparation of MINDS week. It gave me a lot of stress and pressure actually. sometimes I feel bored with that, but sometimes I feel very excited. PROMINDS was the biggest event I managed after resigning as MPP. I remembered Alang's words, "wpon kite dh jd mantan, tp jgn kite jd santan." For all facilitators, I'm sorry if the training was so hard to u guys..
After PROMINDS, I did not back to home immediately. I stayed at UMP or week, hanging out with my siblings-Alang, Achik, Abang, Ayie, Awe, Anjang, Akak n Uteh, having dinner with them, finishing the Korean Drama- Boys Over Flowers (where Gu Jun Pyo names come out and my 'sis-in-law a.k.a dayah' fell in love and ignored me!!), and cooking spaghetti with Achik!! Thanx Achik for renting ur room for me about 5 days...hehehe
Actually I wonder where are my other siblings, Adik, Che D, Ucu, Along, Andak, Angah, Cikzu and Cikma.... Some of them seem to be still in UMP but did not show up in front of me at all... it's ok la... I still luv u guys. U mean a lot to my world...
Last semester was the last semester for Abg Sepol in UMP. Huhu........uwarghhhhhhhh...how sad. No more my bro next sem... I need to live by myself la after this...
My bro, Faiz has registered himself in Pahang Matriculation College (KMPh) last Monday. Good luck to him to finish the matrix life!! So horrible and terrible!!!
I need to think of myself. What should I do in this holiday???
Happy Holidays!!!

Jumaat, 10 April 2009
Ape yg terjadi???
Semalam..test 2 utk sem 2008/09 dh tamat. Alhamdulillah...wpon de paper yg hancur, namun ak thu ade hikmh di sebaliknye...
spjg mggu test 2 ni, bile aku pikir2 kn semule..byk perkara tlh terjadi..tp ade satu perkara yg sngt menyentuh hati ak dn ak ingin kongsikan bersama.
Khamis mggu lps,ak pesan kt fani suh belikan ak tiket blik kampung..sbnrnye ak xde plan nk blik..cme mse ak suh beli tu,minda ak kosong.n tu je dlm kepale ak...xpe la..blik jer.jgn pk byk!!
Jumaat yg lps, ayh shbt baik ak, dayah tlh pergi menyahut seruan Illahi..ak pernah jupe die sekali.dan sbg shbt, ak mmg nk berade bersame die utk temani die...sbb tu ak snggup pergi 2 kali rumah die hr tersebut.dan ptg tu ak muntah dgn teruknye sbb x cukup tidur dan angin seluruh badan ak..mlm tu ak sngt lmh..semoga roh ayah beliau dicucuri rahmat Illahi..Al-Fatihah
Pada hari tu jgk, aku kol alang (salman)...ak tanye die, nk dtg ziarah x?die kate insyaAllah dtg..lps tu kmi berborak dan die ckp,"ude,rabu ni alang nk balik sarawak.ayah alang sakit.die nk jupe sume anak2 die." Masa tu, ak doakan agar ayah alang cpt sembuh dan alang diberi kesempatan utk smpai ke rumah dgn selamat. Masa tu ak ok lg...Sbb otak ak penuh dgn test dan test. Jadi x smpt nk pk ak rindu family atau x..huhu
Ahad tu after test Bioseparation engineering,ak balik dgn syafarah.ak nangis dgn teruknyer....sbb xleh jwb test..spjg mase ak pk,nape ak xleh jwb test.pd hal ak study bkn main lg...ak dh start awl study..tp xleh jwb gak..en.rozaimi, sy mintak maaf...sy bkn x thu jwb calculation tu..tp kelemahan sy sbnrnye..
lps tu ak muhasabah diri,mungkin Allah bg peringatan kpd ak..ak dh byk lalai dlm kehidupanku sbg muslim..Allah syg ak tp ak x sdr..selalu lupe..alpa dgn dunia yg serba serabut ni..so,mlm tu ak slow2 berazam nk recover balik hidup ak..
Selasa lps,after last class English....ak ikut akak,syafarah and diey g masjid..dh lame ak x dgr pengisian.mlm tu wpon ak lost, ak g dgr jugak psl dakwah fardhiyyah..mmg tersentap hatiku..dan dlm keadaan ak x sdr ak sketch potret mak aku.ak dh post entry tu kelmarin. sebak hati ak mase sketch potret tu..Tuhan je yg tahu..
Semalam, En.Rozaimi bg amanat terakhir mase last class.. Die mintak semua student die mintak keredhaan dari mak ayah..mase tu ak 'chill' lg..tp ak dh snyp daa..tetibe je en.rozaimi sebut 1 ayat, "awk jgn smpai mak awk kecik hati sbb awk selalu x balik rumah.x berkat hidup." mase tu air mate ak dh berade di tubir mata.dh bergenang da...huhu. Yana lak perasan expression ak yg dh lain tu..naseb bek leh cntrol..klu x,dh melalak...
kenapa ak sedih??sbb mmg ak selalu x balik rumah.Asal cuti jer,ade aktiviti luar kampus ak join...balik rumah dh jd perkara nombor bape pon ak x tahu..dr 1st year mcm tu..mcm2 tmpat ak berjalan,wat aktiviti. smpai umi pon dh bising..tp mse tu ak x rse ape yg ak rse skrg...skrg ak nk luangkan mase dgn umi abah kt rumah selagi mane ak dan mereka ade di dunia ni..mase yg ade ni la ak nk luangkan dgn mereka..x thu lps ni ade peluang lg atau x..Allah je tahu jangka hyt kite smpai bile. Alang ckp, jgn jadikan alsn bz, xde duit nak balik, sbg alasan x blik rumah.luangkan la mase kejap. kite mmg x dpt bls jase mereka.tp berkhidmat la kpd mereka wpon skjp..Klu dulu mereka leh luangkan mase jage kite,knape skrg kite xleh wat mcm tu???
Malam ni pulak,rizal ckp ayah die kene strok..masuk ICU.mak suh balik...ak doakan ayah selamat dan cpt sembuh.Amiin....
Tp dr ape yg berlaku 2 minggu ni, ak leh simpulkn sume berkait dgn ibu bapa dan Allah...
Pesanan ak kpd diriku dn rakan2, berbaktilah kpd ibu bapa wpon sedikit.. dan pulang la ke rumah mohon restu mak ayah..klu x mmpu, telefon la mereka. spy mereka tahu ank mereka x lupakan mereka. Hati org tua kite kne jaga sbb mereka sngt la sensitif dlm hal ni. dan jage la hbgn baik dgn Allah...sebaik2 perancangan manusia, perancangan Allah adlh yg terbaik..
Buat umi n abah, anakmu ini mohon maaf sbb dh lame x balik rumah..rindu sngt umi n abah serta adik2...maaf yer umi n abah..
Rabu, 8 April 2009
I miss umi
Isnin, 6 April 2009
interesting facts about banana~i like it!! aha..aha

Going Bananas
Bananas... This is very interesting.
After Reading THIS, you'll NEVER look at a banana in the same
way again -
Bananas. Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and
glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and
substantial boost of energy.
Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy
for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number
one fruit with the world's leading athletes.
But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It
can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and
conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people
suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana.
This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein
that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve
your mood and generally make you feel happier.
PMS: Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains
regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.
Anemia :
High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of
haemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
Blood Pressure:
This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet
low in salt, making it the perfect to beat blood pressure.
So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed
the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to
reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
Brain Power:
200 students at aTwickenham (Middlesex) school were helped
through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and
lunch in a bid to boost their brain power.
Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist
learning by making pupils more alert.
High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore
normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting
to laxatives.
One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a
banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach
and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels,
while the milk soothes and
re-hydrates your system.
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you
suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning Sickness:
Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar
levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Mosquito bites:
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the
affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it
amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.
Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous
Overweight and at work?
Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure
at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps.
Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese
were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that,
to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar
levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep
levels steady.
The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal
disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw
fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It
also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the
lining of the stomach.
Temperature control:
Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can
lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers.
In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their
baby is born with a cool temperature.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
(SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the
natural mood enhancer tryptophan.
Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6,
B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them,
help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the
heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water
balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby
reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of
a high-potassium banana snack.
According to research in 'The New England Journal of Medicine
'eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by
strokes by as much as 40%!'
Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to
kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart,
with the
yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster
or surgical tape!
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you
compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the
carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and
iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in
potassium and is one of the best value foods around.
So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we
'A banana a day keeps the doctor away!'
PS :
Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time!
tagged by abg lagi~
Adakah anda suka blogging? Kenapa?
of course la...sbb mmg suke bercerite,membuat cerita,mereka citer..
Blog siapa yg anda selalu skodeng? Nyatakan 5 (buat masa ini)
ude suke bace blog abg milul.blog yg lain jrg2 jer buke.sowiey yer geng!!
Adakah anda menginginkan seseorang dalam hidup anda? Yang boleh menyayangi anda sepenuh hati? dan Siapakah org itu?
mau2..org tu rahsia la...
Taken or single? Mana lebih bagus?
still single. single is better bcoz nobody will sebuk2 i nk watpe...cewaaahhh.
Pernah tak cinta anda tidak di balas?
alahai.......xdak soklan lain ka?ade kot.sbb cintakan ikan paus...hehehehe
Ciri2 idaman bf/gf anda? Nyatakan 5 (btolkan skit: suami/isteri)
1. Beriman dan soleh
2. disukai oleh my parents
3. Gentleman
4. thn dgn perangai sy yg hampeh ni..hehehe-penyabar
5. suke akan kanak2
Pada umur berapakah anda merancang untuk berkahwin?
23 or 24...insyaAllah :) (thn dpn atau thn luse)
Nak berapa anak?
nk ramai...biar riuh rumah...hehehe..Allah bg,terime je la.tp nabila ckp anak sy 4 org.boy-girl-boy-girl.
Lucky person yg anda ingin tag:
fani,diey,nurul fatiehah,pojie dan sape2 la yg nk jwb tag neh
Rabu, 4 Mac 2009
the best words to describe me rite now...
why?? I dunno....
I just feeling not so well start this afternoon...I did breakfast,lunch but still my body feeling weak.why??this unwell condition makes me so miserable and condensed. but still I went to the secretariats interview just now...
now im trying finding my mood doing PCI asenments...thanx to ALLAH bcoz helping me in finishing the Japanese quiz just now....
the best thing today was having chat with my dearest "pak cik a.k.a en.azmi"...
rindu nasihat die sbg seorg veteran...(peace)
thanx 4 the lunch wpon sbnrnye en.reduan yg nk treat td...huhu
anyway really have fun with en.azmi,kak ana,en.reduan,akak(maryam) and all jhepa staffs today...
to my family....I miss U guys
to my MPP siblings....I need U guys
to my younger bro n sis MPP....I hope U guys still strong standing
and especially to my dearest che wan....u really cute tonite and thnx for being my partner for the interview...i really enjoyed it!!
Now...wanna do PCI!!
Selasa, 3 Mac 2009
tagged by abg~
2.What were you doing at 0800?
-->going to public speaking class
3.What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
-->talking to alang
4.What happened to you in 2006?
-->very excited entering UMP n crazy involved in activities
5.What was the last thing you said out loud?
-->"Aaaaaaaaaaaa....akak!!!geramnye ude!!selame ni die tipu ude"
6.How many beverages did you have today?
-->R.O water n a sip of soy drinks of nadz
7.What color is your hairbrush?
8.What was the last thing you paid for?
-->keropok kt kafe
9.Where were you last night?
-->WDK 28 (public speaking class), cafe (having teka teki with faiz aka penyu n frenz) kerusi biru di KK3(bergosip) :P
10. What color is your front door?
-->blue greenish
11.Where do you keep your change?
-->in choc bottle
12.What's the weather like today?
-->cloudy& raining
13.What's the best ice-cream flavor?
-->abg suke chocs..ude pon!!
14.What excites you?
--> when people trust me n I trust people
15.Do you want to cut your hair?
16. Are you over the age of 25?
17.Do you talk a lot?
-->depends...sometimes... ;)
18.Do you watch the O.C?
-->x thu la tu ape
19.Do you know anyone named steven?
20.Do you make up your own words?
-->dont want
21. Are you a jealous person?
-->yeah...i mmg kuat jeles.tp amar lg la kuat jeles!!
22.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
23.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.
24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
25.What does the last text message you received say?
-->"salam.zai, mlm sok ade x?tjuk utk hadis ape?" - Fadilah
26. Do you chew on you straw?
27.Do you have curly hair?
-->nO ;)
28. Where's the next place you're going to?
-->T0 Bed
29.Who's the rudest person in your life?
30.What was the last thing you ate?
-->Keropok lekor
31.Will you get married in the future?
-->InsyaAllah...of course
32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
33.Is there anyone you like right now?
-->Y not the real name ;) farah..jgn mrh!!
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
-->petang td
35. Are you currently depressed?
-->a little bit
36.Did you cry today?
-->no. but almost ;P
37. Tag 1,2,3,4 or 5 people who would do this survey.
2. fanieka
3.faiz(my bro)
4.fatin (my sis)
5.nurul fatiehah
After 2 months...
I felt the bliss
I felt the happiness
I felt the love
I felt the warmth
I felt the honesty
I felt the sincerity
I was feeling on the cloud nine in that moment
With the friendship you gave
With the care you gave
After 2 month…
I felt the sorrow
I felt the pain
I felt the sadness
I felt the tears
I felt the hatred
I felt the coldness
I felt the dishonesty
Now, I’m feeling down like a sunk ship
With the friendship you gave
With the care you gave
After 2 month..
I force myself to give and take
I force myself to adapt
I force myself to accept
I force myself to have patience
I force myself to chill everything
In everything happen in this life
But I cannot lie
To you and even myself
You broke my trustworthy
You broke the friendship
You broke the love
That I placed deeply in this heart
After 2 months..
I found out
I ask myself
When these lies will end??
by: Zaidatul Akmal Binti Mohd Mustapha
3 Mac 2009, 11.00 a.m., UMP
Jumaat, 2 Januari 2009
Tagged Title : UnGu - Tercipta Untukku
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song name down NO MATTER HOW silly it sounds.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal / blog.
1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” … you say?
BSB - Everybody
[everybody in UMP r lazy rite now bcoz raining..haha]
2. How would you describe yourself?
Sam Milby – My Girl
[ingtkn lagu ni OST My Girl,citer korea tu]
3. What do you like in a girl?
BSB ft N Sync – Let Music Heal Your Soul
[girl is sensitive in her soul]
4. How do you feel today?
BSB - As Long As You Love Me
[great bcoz above...hehehe]
5.What is your life’s purpose?
BSB - Get DOwn
[Do not get down in hatever I do]
6. What is your motto?
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
[To be yours..weeeeee]
7. What do your friends think of you?
BSB - Drowning
[mmg tgh drowning pon... ]
8. What do you think of your parents?
Ungu - Cinta Dalam Hati
[They r always be my 'cinta dalam hati']
9. What do you think about very often?
BSB - Incomplete
[My incomplete work every time]
10. What is 2 + 2?
BSB - Show me the meaning of being lonely
[2 + 2 pon x tahu..sesuai la lagu ni...]
11. What do you think of your best friend?
Lee Sung Wook - Destiny
[It is a destiny u become my frenz.]
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Sheila On 7 - Betapa
[dia minat band ni....wonder who??]
13. What is your life story?
BSB - The Call
[the call that change my destiny]
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
KISS - Because I'm a woman
[I'm a girl, not yet a woman..lalala~]
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
BSB - Larger than Life
[yeah...my happiness is larger than life when seeing that person]
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Mario n Nasty - Never Say Goodbye
[x fhm soalan...sory ler]
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Yoichiro Sakuraba - Hitoribochi no haburashi
[ape daa...nk suh tambah dose ke?bce fatihah laa...yaasin ke]
18.What is your hobby/interest?
Jason Mraz- I'm Lucky
[I'm lucky to do anything..kui3]
19. What is your biggest fear?
Ryu - My Memory
[yeah...my memory a long tyme ago...sob3]
20. What is your biggest secret?
ABBA - Chiquitita
[Chiquitita..u know what it is?haha...secret..xleh bg tau r]
21. What do you think of your friends?
Pierce Brosnan, Meryl Streep - S.O.S
[always come to save me when S.O.S]
22. What will you post this as?
Ungu - Tercipta Untukku
[mmg tercipta untukku kene tag!!]
Next person tagged...
1) Fatin Nurasyikin
2) Mohd Faiz
3) Adib - Dark Kurosagi
4) Izzah
ChiQuiTiT@ ~AbBa~
Youre enchained by your own sorrow
In your eyes there is no hope for tomorrow
How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that youre oh so sad, so quiet
Chiquitita, tell me the truth
Im a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend, Im the one you must rely on
You were always sure of yourself
Now I see youve broken a feather
I hope we can patch it up together
Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go and the scars theyre leaving
Youll be dancing once again and the pain will end
You will have no time for grieving
Chiquitita, you and I cry
But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
So the walls came tumbling down
And your loves a blown out candle
All is gone and it seems too hard to handle
Chiquitita, tell me the truth
There is no way you can deny it
I see that youre oh so sad, so quiet
Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go and the scars theyre leaving
Youll be dancing once again and the pain will end
You will have no time for grieving
Chiquitita, you and I cry
But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
S.O.S ~AbBa~
I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind
Whatever happened to our love?
I wish I understood
It used to be so nice, it used to be so good
So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?
You seem so far away though you are standing near
You made me feel alive, but something died I fear
I really tried to make it out
I wish I understood
What happened to our love, it used to be so good
So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?
So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
And the love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?